Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
Well I have started couch to 5k a bunch of times and never stick with it. A couple of my friends are now running half marathons and I want to join them!

I don't have a 5k planned yet but Im sure they are easy to find but I am planning on doing a half marathon in Oct.

I would love support from people who are just like me and starting to learn to run.


  • blueberry1273
    I started it last week - using my iPod Touch at the gym. So far I enjoy it. :)
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Where do I get details about the program?
  • rach89652
    rach89652 Posts: 26
    I want to start it too! I am going the 39 mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer with my friend in October and I really need to get in shape!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I would like more info on the program too. I've been hearing a lot of people talk about it and thought it might be a great goal!
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    I started Couch to 5k last week, but only did one I am starting over this week W1D1. My husband is an avid runner and I would just like to get off the sidelines and actually do the races with him.

    I'm here to support you...i know how easy it is to give up. But I know lots of friends that have turned C25K into running seriously!

    You can find the info at:

    W1D1 today?? I'm going to go after work, will let you know how it goes
  • Jparadise72
    Are there any free versions available to download to my blackberry?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i did the 'couch to 5k' program last year from june to november (yea, it took me longer than the suggested 9 weeks). today is the day i start working towards a 10k. you can do it! don't give up!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Jelton: I dont know about a blackberry app.

    ukredhead: Yes starting today or if you want to start another day this week thats great too!

    I just got back from W1D1 and wow that felt good. A little hard at first but by the end I was good. I find it harder running outside then on a treadmill for some reason. I live about a 5 min walk from a 1 mile track so its perfect by the time I get there my 5 min walk is done then I start the job/walk and walk the rest home.

    Today I did 25 mins total and burned 279 calories.

    hope everyone has a great W1D1!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I just did my first one today too. The reason is that when I look at athletic bodies, runners have the best - vain, but true.

    I'm using the I-phone app by Felt tip. The siren is really annoying, though. As far as free apps, everyone mentions Robert Ullrey (spelling?) I also got fitted for good running shoes per my buddy Larry on another thread. It makes a big difference. Oh, and an arm strap for the I phone. It's amazing how I can turn just about anything into a shopping venture.

    It was a lot harder than I thought. First the shopping, then the running, then the math part - dividing up the 20 minutes between running and walking. I'll check out the link - it's gotta be easier.

    Congrats everyone who's starting.
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    W1D1 done...had to do it on the treadmill because it was raining, but it's done! felt great actually, so much easier than running outside, but I'm going to try and do most of it outside since my goal is to do road races.

    my knees are a little sore though...time to take some ibuprofen and maybe a warm bath. Getting back into shape isn't easy!!!

    As far as apps go: I have an android phone and have a free app call c25k lite, it just dings when its time to switch from running and walking. There are some downloads for ipods called podrunner (I just googled it), I imagine you could save as a mp3 and put on my phone too. There are lots of resources on the website too.

    Good luck to those starting today!!! We can do this!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Look at the sites now - I'm officially in! This will be great to do it with a group too. Thanks for posting this :)
  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    Good luck to you all! 5k is deceptively long distance! but its easy to attain. Worked my way there in 4 weeks! Sign uo for a free parkrun in your local area. They're run by nike, and totally free events. So gets you in the mood nicely and gives you something to aim for!

    Remember, walk first. Then try 1 min jog 1 min walk for 20 mins. build this via 2min jog/1min walk all the way to 5 ming jog/3 min walk. Always for 20 mins til you're comfortable. Then move up to 10 min jog/10 min walk. And try the 20 mins jog when ready. Then just increase this by a minute or so each time. remember, you will see more benefit running a slow 4k one day, and a fast 2k the next than you will doing 4km one day followed by a 5k!

    And rememebr to have a day off in between to recover! Running is an assault on the joints! so there's no rush to get to 5k! Doing it this way you should be able to go from 0-10km in 9 weeks!

    Good luck all!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I completed W1 D1 today too! Wasn't too bad. I have the program on my iPod Touch. It was only about $3. The bells and voice on this one are not obnoxious at all. It goes over my own music too. I am definately happy I made the purchase and can't wait for day 2.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm in! i did W1D1 just yesterday, and i was pleased that it didn't totally floor me. we'll see how it goes tomorrow once my body has figured out what i'm doing! i started on a tuesday, but as of next week i'm going to try and keep it to m-w-f so i don't have to worry about falling off on the weekend if we go out of town or anything. it's unfortunate, but when my schedule gets changed, i shut down - i have to really keep a pattern going or i cave!
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I would like to join you all if that's ok, I peeked at the Cto5k website yesterday but felt overwhelmed with the mountains of information, ads, and links all over the screen. I do have an Ipod touch but it's the very first one that came out (before the first Iphone was on there). I'm going to see if it has the app store on there I can DL the app and don't mind paying the $3 as someone mentioned.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I'd like to join. I have it on my Droid, just haven't actually started. I have Lupus so hopefully the running won't kill my joints but I want to try it. I will start W1D1 tonight.
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Hey Everyone!
    Vonnie - if you are running outside try to run in the grass or a non-paved trail, thats easier on your joints. And some good running shoes too will help.

    I'm doing W1D2 today after work, my knees are a little sore but that's to be expected I guess. Will let you know if it feels any easier!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Well I have started couch to 5k a bunch of times and never stick with it. A couple of my friends are now running half marathons and I want to join them!

    I don't have a 5k planned yet but Im sure they are easy to find but I am planning on doing a half marathon in Oct.

    I would love support from people who are just like me and starting to learn to run.

    Hi Sweetheart,

    I am also planning on doing a 1/2 marathon in October, and would to have someone to keep tabs on my training with. If the 1/2 is a success, next year I'd like to train for the Nike women's marathon.

    I'm not a complete beginner, I did a few 10k's during my late teens but haven't been able to stick with a program since, I keep falling off the band wagon. I'm skipping the C25k and doing a C210k instead - I'm in Wk3. I tried to start a C210k thread but it seems the 5k is much more popular!

    I noticed your post saying how much harder it is to run outside than on a treadmill. On a treadmill your essentially running on the spot, and your muscles don't need to create momentum to push you forward like outside running. If you want to simulate outside running a treadmill, try putting the treadmill on an incline of 2 degrees. At first it will seem hard but pretty soon you won't even notice it. Another trick is to put the incline up even more during your walking intervals, and then back down to 2 for your running. I find this tricks my brain + body into thinking I've gone back down to flat ground and it feels alot easier!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Anyone in Alberta, Canada looking to start this? I could use a new running partner! HAHAHAHAHA.

    Actually I have two running partners and we're plodding away at this program slowly but surely. I used to run alone and actually that was kind of great (it was a rare moment I had completely to myself) but I find if I run with someone I'm less likely to give up halfway and I push just a little bit harder. It's a pride thing I think.

    I'd suggest those who have a harder time with self-motivation find a partner to do this with! It really helps.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Vonnie - if you are running outside try to run in the grass or a non-paved trail, thats easier on your joints. And some good running shoes too will help.

    I'm doing W1D2 today after work, my knees are a little sore but that's to be expected I guess. Will let you know if it feels any easier!

    Thanks for the tips! I will probably alternate between treadmill and outside.

    Nadine, I will use your "tricks" when on the treadmill.