Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?



  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Nadine - thanks for the treadmill tips...i'm going to try and do most of mine outside, but sometimes the weather forces the treadmill. I'm going to try the "tricking" myself that 2% is flat! great idea.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    redhead19 - glad you liked my tips! See how you go on the incline and let me know :)

    C210K - W3D2 huge success!!!

    Fasted km - 5:15
    Distance - 5.25km :) feels so good to break the 5k mark!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I actually started this morning since life is too hectic for me in the afternoons. W1D1 on treadmill was a success. I felt like I could do more but I didn't want to piss off my knee by pushing it or do anything that will keep me from completing. I feel GREAT that I actually started the program. I burned 344 calories. It was about a 1/4 mile shy of 2 miles so I walked the additional mileage for a nice even number. LOL. :happy:

    I need to buy a heart rate monitor. Any suggestions. I don't want to spend a gazillion dollars but I want a decent one.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    W1D2 - another success! and i didn't realize this until last night, but i actually cheated on my D1 because i thought the 5 minute warmup was a part of the whole 20 minutes. instead of doing the routine 8 times, i only did it 6, so i was a bit upset that my first day was a cheat, and i was worried that i would be unable to do the actual routine today. it was tougher, but it didn't floor me. and maybe i'm crazy, but i swear i felt my legs getting stronger as i did it. maybe i was just becoming more aware of the muscles in my legs? i don't know, but i had visions of xena warrior princess in my mind the whole time because i *felt* so kicka$$ today! :tongue:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Oops. I did the first day and then somehow stopped.

    So I'm going to start again tomorrow morning and do Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.

    Just fessing up and moving on!

    Good for everyone who got out there, and Nadine it's nice to see you here too!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    just finished up W1D3, so yay! i feel pretty ready for next week's routine - i noticed that i felt like 60 seconds of recovery time seemed like plenty, even though i used all 90 seconds as the program prescribes, so i feel good about that. what i'm nervous about is the actual jogging part - i could hardly wait for my 60 seconds to be up! so we'll see how it goes jogging 90. best of luck to all and enjoy the weekend!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    just finished up W2D1 - i thought it was way tougher! who would have thought an extra 30 seconds could floor you? anyhoo, i did all of the circuits except for one, which i switched over to 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of resting. i hope that i won't have to do that on wednesday, but we'll see! overall, very pleased - i thought i would pretty much being doing a repeat of week one again, so i hope i can keep the progress going. best of luck!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    : Hi everyone, I'm restarting W1D1 tonight and W1D2 tomorrow morning. This was my birthday weekend and I managed to get ZERO exercise since Friday. embarassed:
  • marybethbeech
    I'm starting c25k for the first time today! I'm really excited to start. Any advice?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Ladies sorry I started this topic and only did 1 day :frown:

    Last week it was raining a lot here and just had a bad week without exericising or eating good but today is a new day!!

    Going to restart tomorrow and go tues, thurs, sat.

    Just a question:

    W1 dont you walk for 5 mins and then alternate jog/walk till you reach 20 mins or is it for 20mins so the total would be 25 mins?
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I completed W2 D1 this afternoon. Definately more difficult than week 1 but I managed. Looking forward to day 2 on Wed.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Hey Ladies sorry I started this topic and only did 1 day :frown:

    Last week it was raining a lot here and just had a bad week without exericising or eating good but today is a new day!!

    Going to restart tomorrow and go tues, thurs, sat.

    Just a question:

    W1 dont you walk for 5 mins and then alternate jog/walk till you reach 20 mins or is it for 20mins so the total would be 25 mins?
    I am in the same boat!! I'll start with you, I'm starting today and will also do tues/thurs/saturday. I DL'd the app to my Itouch and excited to get started. Not sure about the answer to your question, hopefully someone can help us.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    When researching, this is the Couch to 5K schedule I found that W1D1 is 5 minutes walk, 2 minutes jog and 5 minutes which is 12 minutes, am I missing something with the 20 minutes on W1D1 previously mentioned??
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Scroll down to the bottom of this site and you will see the schedule.

    Week 1 is 5 minute warm up walk then 60 seconds jog, 90 seconds walk repeated 8 times, then a 5 minute cool down for a total of 30 minutes.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    When researching, this is the Couch to 5K schedule I found that W1D1 is 5 minutes walk, 2 minutes jog and 5 minutes which is 12 minutes, am I missing something with the 20 minutes on W1D1 previously mentioned??

    No. Week one, Day one of the Couch to 5k schedule is 5 minutes walking and then alternating 1 minute jogs and 1 1/2 minute walks for 20 minutes followed by a 5 minute cooldown walk.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Today I started week 2 and have a question. I feel very heavy in my hips when I run. It feels like I have 20 pound weights strapped to by hip joints. I am at my ideal weight so it is not literally weight sitting there. And it doesn't hurt at all, just a very heavy sensation. Anyone else feel something like this? Will this get better as I get better at running? Would additional hip stretching before running help?
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i'm off for W2D2 - wish me luck! last time i had to cheat a little!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    well, i just finished it and it still floored me! i didn't cheat on time this go around, but i know i went a lot slower so i could maintain the routine. maybe i'll get my speed up a little by friday. i'm just so glad i got through it all the way! i'll go as slow as i need to in order to keep from stopping - that's more important to me right now than speed or distance, so we'll just keep on truckin'.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I just started this last week, am doing W2D1 today, so I'm in. I have the podcasts from iTunes that are free to download and better than the app in my opinion. Robert Ullrey talks you through the intervals, tells you when to slow down and speed up and has music with a good beat going. If you have a iPod Nano or Touch, there is also a really cool toy from Nike that I just got for my training. It is called Nike + iPod and has a sensor that goes in your shoe and onto your iPod. It tracks speed, distance, plays playlists or podcasts (so I can do my C25K podcast while running and tracking). It is really cool to hook it up after my run and see where I slowed down, where I sped up, how fast I ran and how I improved over last time. I really recommend it. If nothing else, I am motivated to run just so I can see the tracking afterward! Happy running!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    well, i just finished it and it still floored me! i didn't cheat on time this go around, but i know i went a lot slower so i could maintain the routine. maybe i'll get my speed up a little by friday. i'm just so glad i got through it all the way! i'll go as slow as i need to in order to keep from stopping - that's more important to me right now than speed or distance, so we'll just keep on truckin'.

    That is right! Worry about keeping with it and speed will come later! Good for you!!!