Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?



  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Scroll down to the bottom of this site and you will see the schedule.

    Week 1 is 5 minute warm up walk then 60 seconds jog, 90 seconds walk repeated 8 times, then a 5 minute cool down for a total of 30 minutes.

    Ah! Ok I did see that after I posted. I am proud to report I started W1D1 last night, the Itouch app is so so so awesome!! I thought I was going to die but I finished LOL. Polar F4 HRM says I burned 252 calories in the 31 minutes.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I just started this last week, am doing W2D1 today, so I'm in. I have the podcasts from iTunes that are free to download and better than the app in my opinion. Robert Ullrey talks you through the intervals, tells you when to slow down and speed up and has music with a good beat going. If you have a iPod Nano or Touch, there is also a really cool toy from Nike that I just got for my training. It is called Nike + iPod and has a sensor that goes in your shoe and onto your iPod. It tracks speed, distance, plays playlists or podcasts (so I can do my C25K podcast while running and tracking). It is really cool to hook it up after my run and see where I slowed down, where I sped up, how fast I ran and how I improved over last time. I really recommend it. If nothing else, I am motivated to run just so I can see the tracking afterward! Happy running!

    How does it track distance? I'm asking because the Itouch I have is an older version and doesn't have GPS like the new 3G ones. Without that feature in my Itouch I can't track distance but would love to.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    After seeing my doctor on Tuesday I was advised to forgo ANY form of running if I wish to keep my jonts. I have Lupus and Secondary Osteonecrosis of the knee and he advised that impact of running/jogging will certainly result in a total knee replacement as opposed to the joint saving treatment they have planned for me. So, regrettably...I will be walking the 5K instead. Down but not OUT
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I just started this last week, am doing W2D1 today, so I'm in. I have the podcasts from iTunes that are free to download and better than the app in my opinion. Robert Ullrey talks you through the intervals, tells you when to slow down and speed up and has music with a good beat going. If you have a iPod Nano or Touch, there is also a really cool toy from Nike that I just got for my training. It is called Nike + iPod and has a sensor that goes in your shoe and onto your iPod. It tracks speed, distance, plays playlists or podcasts (so I can do my C25K podcast while running and tracking). It is really cool to hook it up after my run and see where I slowed down, where I sped up, how fast I ran and how I improved over last time. I really recommend it. If nothing else, I am motivated to run just so I can see the tracking afterward! Happy running!

    How does it track distance? I'm asking because the Itouch I have is an older version and doesn't have GPS like the new 3G ones. Without that feature in my Itouch I can't track distance but would love to.

    There is a sensor on your shoe as well as your iPod. Nike has special shoes with a pocket under the inside shoe sole, but I have discovered you don't need this. I tuck the sensor into the top of my shoe under my laces. I don't feel it and it stays in place and registers the same.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    W2D2 completed yesterday morning at 6:00 am... yes on a Satruday!

    Time: 30:32
    DIstance: 4.58
    Average: 6:40 min/km

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i ended up not doing W2D3 last week ( had house guests and i was *tired*!) , but that's kind of okay because i am repeating this week over. i don't feel ready to move on to W3 yet. i'm hoping that after doing the routine on W and F, i'll feel ready to move on by next week. i'm still kind of fading (not stopping, just fading) at about the 5th and 6th circuits, but by the last i'm finishing with a bang and not a whimper, so that is *huge* progress for me! yesterday went well, so i'm off again tomorrow. this weather is perfect for the non-runner out trying to run for the first time! beautiful and slightly cool in the mornings. anyhoo, best of luck to all!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    repeater went alright. i had to shave about 30 seconds of my jogging off. no biggie, i guess, but i was still really disappointed! i guess the good thing about is it wasn't because i was huffing and puffing too much. i think my endurance has really improved since i started! however, my calves were really tightening up, and i had to give them a little slack. if anyone has any good calf stretching moves, send them my way! i was also really proud of myself because it is a rainy dreary day here and i got my butt out regardless to get it done, so yay for gumption! hope it's going well for everyone here. have a good one!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    W3D1 = Felt good, not easy, but doable.

    Time: 25:53
    Distane: 4.07 km
    Av/km: 6:21 min/km
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i repeated W2 last week. i was wondering why it was so hard, and it was because i was doing the wrong routine! i only gave myself 1 minute of rest between each jog instead of 2, so i was jogging 12 minutes out of 20 instead of 8! so, i started W3 yesterday, and it went a lot better than i would have thought. i'm kind of glad i accidentally upped my W2 because i think it really helped with this week's routine. we'll see how it goes tomorrow, but yesterday's went really well. so yay!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hey! I'm in with you guys. I will be doing W3D1 later today. I am really nervous about it... can I really run for 3 minutes??
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    you can totally do it, amanda! good luck!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    you can totally do it, amanda! good luck!

    Yes, I can... AND I DID!! I was so proud of myself when I finished the first 3 minute run that the high from that carried me through the rest of it with no problem.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    W3D2 - went pretty well! i put in the time and didn't have to stop, and i am pushing a lot harder during the walk time as well. at first, i used that time to totally just drag my feet! i didn't have to stop at all on D1 either, but i was kind of expecting not to be able to do that twice. so yay! i've noticed that my legs are doing a lot better too. i was having some crazy sore calves earlier, but that has really let up and it feels just like the normal kind of minor workout soreness. i'm wondering also, are you all getting more tired in your legs or in your heart/lungs? i think my legs are kind of starting to become a mindless machine - i think they are capable of trucking right along. but my endurance in my heart and lungs are not there yet. i'm not gasping for breath like crazy, which is kind of suprising, but i'm not exactly having an easy time of it. i wonder when that will catch up to my legs. basically, my leg muscles feel like champs, but my lungs feel like amatuers! anyhoo, all in all, a success.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    ps ~ next week looks scary.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    W3D2 - went pretty well! i put in the time and didn't have to stop, and i am pushing a lot harder during the walk time as well. at first, i used that time to totally just drag my feet! i didn't have to stop at all on D1 either, but i was kind of expecting not to be able to do that twice. so yay! i've noticed that my legs are doing a lot better too. i was having some crazy sore calves earlier, but that has really let up and it feels just like the normal kind of minor workout soreness. i'm wondering also, are you all getting more tired in your legs or in your heart/lungs? i think my legs are kind of starting to become a mindless machine - i think they are capable of trucking right along. but my endurance in my heart and lungs are not there yet. i'm not gasping for breath like crazy, which is kind of suprising, but i'm not exactly having an easy time of it. i wonder when that will catch up to my legs. basically, my leg muscles feel like champs, but my lungs feel like amatuers! anyhoo, all in all, a success.

    Good job getting through W3D2!

    I also think I am much more tired in my lungs. I did W3D1 yesterday when my legs were very sore from doing squats the day before. The 5 minute walk was killing my legs so I was wondering how I'd ever be able to run. I was surprised that the pain disappeared once I got into the running..... but probably because the pain from my lungs took over, ha!

    I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth (that's what "they" say to do, right?) Something that has helped me is working on the way I want to breath during the 5 minute walk, just to get it down and hopefully carry it through my run. My chest no longer aches the way it did when I first began but my lungs are definitely still a weakness.
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Where do I get details about the program? is the program that I am using
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Well I have started couch to 5k a bunch of times and never stick with it. A couple of my friends are now running half marathons and I want to join them!

    I don't have a 5k planned yet but Im sure they are easy to find but I am planning on doing a half marathon in Oct.

    I would love support from people who are just like me and starting to learn to run.
    I started my C25K yesterday. It has been over 2 years since I ran. It didn't really seem as hard as I remembered. I plan to do most of my training on the treadmill because very soon it will be extremely humid here in the midwest and I can't run in high humidity.
  • amarti24
    amarti24 Posts: 19 Member
    I did this last year. it worked great! Towards the end I did get to the point where running for time was very hard and I took off by doing what my body felt. when I did that i began to run up to 6 miles once a week.

    good luck
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    W1D2 finished. Almost didn't think I would get through it. My shins were screaming at me. Stretched, iced and rubbed them. Hopefully D3 will be better!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I am on Week 2 Day 6. HEH. I'll just keep doing Week 2's run until it feels more comfortable, right now I can BARELY make it through the minute/half run so I'm not willing to push harder.

    I'm having a lot of fun with this! Even if I'm not using the program 'properly', it feels really good! I've started shredding now on top of the running and honestly that's making the running harder but oh well!