

  • Gummy bears and gummy worms. I haven't been able to cut them out.
  • 2 hour tennis lesson (group) but getting there early to do footwork drills for 20-30 mins prior which will include jumping rope, running, sideways shuffling, hopefully some serving and other foot-agility drills to improve stamina and quickness on the court. Pretty exciting...
  • I've been doing it for over a year and I like it. It's been the only thing that has helped me lose weight, even with having a very active lifestyle. It also helps with smart decisions at the grocery store and when eating at restaurants. I'm not a big 'dieter' and have never done a real diet (atkins, sugar busters, etc.),…
  • I'm allergic to makes my hips swell.
  • Streaming Wimbledon on my computer at work.
  • Ditto on BSprouts. I cut mine in half, toss with a little EVOO, salt and pepper, then place on baking sheet (cut side down), steam (covered with foil) for about 45 minutes in a 400 degree oven, then remove the foil to get nice and brown on the cut side. DELICIOUS! I eat those almost every day!
  • That awkward moment when you get into the back of the van and realize...THERE'S NO CANDY!!
  • A dead ladybug in the lettuce wraps at PF Chang's. I don't think it was good luck...
  • BRUSSEL SPROUTS! I can't get enough!
  • It is more of a lifestyle change than a 'diet'. I started it 9 months ago and have lost 30 lbs. so far. I hope to lose another 20 this year. I stay active and nothing else would work. This is easy to live by, or I wouldn't still be doing it. I really don't miss the carbs and am not 100% strict. I don't think anything is…
  • I think someone is crushing on you... I hope you don't start getting school pictures and a request for child support!
  • Have you tried side leg lifts with a tension strap? I know that helps with the saddlebag area on the low hip/upper thigh region. May try to use a hard foam roller and roll that area on it to help (hopefully) disburse some of the fat pockets. I wish men got cellulite instead of us!
  • I order bras from They have good deals on bras and I buy them when they are $15 or lower. Hard to get DDD's anywhere else I've found. As for sports bras, I never wear just a sports bra. It's no help at all if your chesty plus I hate the "uniboob". I always get a very supportive bra then just buy…
  • Coffee, black and 3 slices of Jenny-O Turkey Bacon (180 calories)
  • Right now I'm excited about trampoline in the Olympics on Friday and Saturday. I guess I'm geeky like that. Cannot wait until pro football starts back up! Two words... HOT MEN!!
  • I think cheat days on occasion help you stay on track, but keep them to a minimum. It's very easy to back-slide.
  • Kale chips are easy to make (and kale is super-chep to buy). Just take the spine out of the kale, I rinse mine off in a strainer since you never know where they've been! Shake to remove as much moisture as you can. Put them in a bowl and season them. I use salt (sparingly becase I'm sodium intollerant and the chips hold…
  • I'm relatively new at doing Paleo, and although I'm not a strict fanatic (eating only organic fruits/veggies and meats), I have lost 20 pounds in 3 months while on the diet. I have had a few 'cheat' days which have helped to stay on the path, but it's been very easy for me to do Paleo. My frustration was that although I am…