

  • Not to worry, it's simple math. A pound equals 3500 calories. It's been suggested to me that it is actually good to vary your calorie count a little from day to day to keep your body from getting too comfortable. SO if you go over one day by 200-300 calories, just aim for a deficit of that much sometime in the next couple…
  • Welcome Leanne, this site is wonderful and very motivating! Good luck on your journey, and if you want a support buddy, feel free to add me!
  • Hi Jenny! I also want to lose 100 lbs, 110 really, and I just started a week and a half ago. Would love to buddy up to encourage one another! Add me if you'd like, this site is GREAT and I check in to log my food several times a day. WELCOME!!!!
  • Welcome! It's a great place for motivation and tracking you progress, I think you'll love it! Good luck on your journey!
  • Good job! That's the key, I'm realizing...even when you "fall off the wagon", don't just give up on it, You made a great choice, and a series of those will get you to where you're going!!!!!!
  • If you can't find Mrs. Dash, try more spices in general, garlic onion, whatever. I still love salt but since starting MFP I have refused to add it to anything. To some things, like popcorn, I add parmesan, which still has sodium and of course has fat & cal, but a little goes a long way. And as karincakes says below, lemon…
  • Welcome! I just started a week ago, and I love it! You're right, slow is the way to go for long-lasting results. But because I had been "bad" this summer, when I got back on track with MFP, I lost 7 pounds in the first week! Very encouraging... I wish you luck, and if you want a support team member, let me know! Jennifer
  • I think a realistic goal if you're being careful with your diet and working out religiously is 1% of your body weight per week. Obviously, that goes down as your weight does. So if you're 209 now, you could aim for 2.1 pounds lost this week. But remember it's gonna get a lot tougher as you get near your goal; I would allow…
  • Me too! Doesn't it feel great? Wow, I notice from your ticker you and I want to lose the exact same amount and we started at the same time. We ought to buddy up! Keep on going! Victory IS yours! ;)
  • I have the same problem with my speed varying because of hills. The only way to really know is drive the route in your car, or use MapMyWalk. They have downloads for iPod that are specific mph or bpm paced music, so you could check one of those. Good job!
  • Welcome! I just strted Sunday and I am feeling reat about my progress so far! Love this site, I hope you find it as enjoyable and inspiring as I do!
  • Beans are cheap, and frozen veggies are cheaper than fresh and sometimes more nutritious because they're frozen at the source. Anything with beans would keep well and add great fiber to your diet! It may sound gross to you, but I mix two parts veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, whatever non-starchy veg I have on hand)…
  • I got almost no sleep in college (not always partying, mostly stress) and that's when I had my most significant weight gain. I still didn't sleep well in my early career, and basically stayed the same weight. In the past few years, I've had a steady (and less stressful) job, got married (less personal strife), and have had…