

  • Thanks guys, this is really great..... Just what I need - I just thought to myself enough is enough and I need a change xx
  • I really do know how you feel. Recently I have really been craving a McDonalds (god knows why) so in the end I just had to have one. After I felt awful for eating rubbsih but something my mum said to me came into my head - "You can't be 100% perfect 100% of the time, no one can be." Thats what really made me just get on…
  • I'm one of those people who goes on about how I dont loose weight, but I have noticed my clothes are getting baggy, so I went out and got a tape measure today to do that instead - Fingers crossed!
  • Thanks guys, And yes, I have it set to two pounds a week and I want to loose over 30lb.
  • Thanks guys, thats really helpful, I was starting to worry!
  • I know how you feel! I have been sticking to my 1200 cal intake a day really strictly but today I am struggling. I really wanted some chocolate but I thinkk this may just be a craving something sweet in general, so out came the Coke zero. I have been talking with my friends and they all have different takes on if you…
  • Hey guys, Thanks for all your advice and support, its been really helpful! I am going to stick to my guns and record EVERTHING, even if I don't like what I see. Fingers crossed!