Why does bad food have to be so good!!!

I messed up yesterday and went to CiCi's Pizza. I thought I'd just have a salad and 1 piece of pizza and a dessert. :laugh: Yeah Right!!:sick: Pizza tasted so good... and the dessert pizza yummm! I guess I'm just like an alocholic but food is my alochol! So I ate like 1200 calories for dinner alone!!! Then I felt terrible and thought well I've already blown it for today, so I had popcorn, a bagel, and some fruity pebbles late last nite!:sick: I usually do really well, but I just completely "fell off the wagon" last nite!

Okay, I feel a little better after venting and I vow to burn extra calories today and to eat nutritious!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I messed up yesterday and went to CiCi's Pizza. I thought I'd just have a salad and 1 piece of pizza and a dessert. :laugh: Yeah Right!!:sick: Pizza tasted so good... and the dessert pizza yummm! I guess I'm just like an alocholic but food is my alochol! So I ate like 1200 calories for dinner alone!!! Then I felt terrible and thought well I've already blown it for today, so I had popcorn, a bagel, and some fruity pebbles late last nite!:sick: I usually do really well, but I just completely "fell off the wagon" last nite!

    Okay, I feel a little better after venting and I vow to burn extra calories today and to eat nutritious!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    You are DEFINITELY NOT alone! :noway: Everyone here can pretty much say the same thing, at one time or another! What makes MFP soooooo wonderful is that through being here, NOW we know what we need to do MOST of the time to counteract our occasional weaknesses!
    I'm sure you'll get right back on track, so, don't worry about it! Sounds like you had a heck of a meal! :wink: :smile:
  • Chasabeth
    Chasabeth Posts: 14
    I know how you feel!

    I have been sticking to my 1200 cal intake a day really strictly but today I am struggling. I really wanted some chocolate but I thinkk this may just be a craving something sweet in general, so out came the Coke zero.

    I have been talking with my friends and they all have different takes on if you should treat yourself or not. I personally think that you should not deny yourself anything, but only have it in very small doses. A square of chocolate here, a small piece of pizza there (and I meant small!) otherwise you are going to fall off the wagon in a big way, as I found out.

    So next time you go out, just try and remember what your long term goal and keep that in your mind. Good luck!! :smile:
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Thanks guys! :flowerforyou:
    This is why I love this site! Everyone understands how you feel and is very supportive! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    It is better for your body and weightloss if you take those days! take them and treat yourself...once, twice a week. It is great for your metabolism. It has not done me one bit of harm to take my entire weekends off. then on the weekdays, I alternate how many cals I eat....no two days are ever the same. I don't get bored, feel unsatisfied, and can have my treats on the weekend.

    you still have to LIVE life....

  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Like everyone else has stated, you are not alone, we have all been there! The important thing is that you realized you "fell" off the wagon and you vented, now you can get over it and have a better day today. Today is a new day, enjoy!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I messed up yesterday and went to CiCi's Pizza. I thought I'd just have a salad and 1 piece of pizza and a dessert. :laugh: Yeah Right!!:sick: Pizza tasted so good... and the dessert pizza yummm! I guess I'm just like an alocholic but food is my alochol! So I ate like 1200 calories for dinner alone!!! Then I felt terrible and thought well I've already blown it for today, so I had popcorn, a bagel, and some fruity pebbles late last nite!:sick: I usually do really well, but I just completely "fell off the wagon" last nite!

    Okay, I feel a little better after venting and I vow to burn extra calories today and to eat nutritious!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    i was thinking that this morning when i woke up....food pushers are like your bad circle of friends during alcoholism. i am not lying. if someone is trying to quit drinking, there is always that person 'yeah...just have one man, one wont hurt'. im trying to make a change and people will not leave me alone about it!!!! ahhh!!!

    it is ok that you fell off the wagon, i do it weekly, lets get back on together!!:smile: