avaandreeciesmama Member


  • I started my goal 45 days ago to lose 25-30 lbs and I'm already down 11 lbs! My goal is June 10. It is do-able, but some days are harder than others! Feel free to friend me if you want! I have vacation and 15 year reunion this year. Great motivators!
  • Hi girls! I'm 3 months post partum as well. Add me as your friend. My pre-pregnancy weight was around 150 and got up to 183 yikes! I dropped down to 144 really quickly without really trying. Started MFP 4/2/13 and have lost 7 lbs since! I work full-time also and will be returning to school this summer so I am really busy…
  • Hi girls! I'm 3 months post partum as well. Add me as your friend. My pre-pregnancy weight was around 150 and got up to 183 yikes! I dropped down to 144 really quickly without really trying. Started MFP 4/2/13 and have lost 7 lbs since! I work full-time also and will be returning to school this summer so I am really busy…
  • We are about the same except age... Female 30 5'4" SW: 146 CW: 138 GW: 130 next GW: 125
  • @LindsayLL30 She is tiny lol....love you Kimberly
  • You just click one someones name and it should take you to their profile and I think there is a thing that says add friend. I just started really using like two days ago. 1300 calories doesn't seem like a lot when you bf. Idk though bc I don't bf but I thought you could have 500 extra calories. I wonder if thats one of the…
  • I'm 2 months postpartum myself! Gained 33 lbs during pregnancy and have lost 38 lbs (without really trying) but now I need to get in shape and lose 15 more lbs!!!!! Just really started mfp a few days ago. I also had a csection (my 2nd), with all the water retention I had during pregnancy my skin feels really loose now!…