Trying to lose the last of the baby weight

Hi All!

5 months postpartum

gained 75 pounds (yikes)

baby was 9 pounds - delivered via c-section

breastfeeding, but the weight is not coming off!! conversely, i'm hungry ALL THE TIME

so far, i've lost 50 pounds, but still have that pesky 20-25 pounds left and I need help!!

working out seems to be a very difficult thing to carve time in my day for - i have been trying to go on 10-15 minute walks, but my husband is taking night classes and so, when i get home, i make dinner, spend time with my baby girl, when she goes down for a nap, i wash dishes/clean house and before i know it she wakes up!! i have the jillian michaels videos but every chance i get to work out, i opt for sitting and resting (i'm super lazy)

i used to be a major athlete and still eat like i was an athlete

i have managed to control my excessive eating - maintaining a 1300-1400 calorie/day diet with one cheat day where i eat anything i want

side note - my BIGGEST problem is snacking and is seconded by my love - chocolate...

I don't really know what i'm expecting to get from writing this - encouragement? tips/tricks?

i guess i'll take whatever i can get.... =-P



  • avaandreeciesmama
    avaandreeciesmama Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 2 months postpartum myself! Gained 33 lbs during pregnancy and have lost 38 lbs (without really trying) but now I need to get in shape and lose 15 more lbs!!!!! Just really started mfp a few days ago. I also had a csection (my 2nd), with all the water retention I had during pregnancy my skin feels really loose now! Hate it! I'm also having a hard time finding time to exercise (work full time, school part time (will go back in June) and 2 little ones keep me pretty busy!) My baby girl cries a lot in the evenings so it's hard to put her down and when I do there's laundry/dishes to be done. I squeeze most of my exercise in my 40 minute lunch break at work as I'm lucky we have a gym here!
  • sullyk85
    sullyk85 Posts: 9 Member
    hey m

    I gained the same and am 18 months post partum. I have lost 60 but am at a high weight and need to lose 75 lbs more. I can understand how hard it is trying to fit a work out in. I like taking my son for a walk in the evening depending on the weather but try to get out at least once a day with him for as much time as I can. its hard but once you start finding time for those little walks you will be able to find time for more and as your babe gets older youll get into more of a routine and be able to find more time in your day for other things.
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    I had a baby 10 months ago now (gained about 80 lbs yikes!) and I've had a really hard time losing the weight. I've blown my knee out multiple times and broke my ankle in this time period (yes, I'm super graceful) and every time it I have let it set me back.
    I've switched to a vegetarian diet (mostly vegan) after realizing that I need to do this mostly through diet at least for the time being. Would love to get some weightloss "buddies" going on here!
    Good luck everybody!!!!
  • marojaan80
    oh man that sounds tough!

    add me as a friend (i don't know how)
  • marojaan80
    sounds like we're on the same page! let's support each other

    (i say this after polishing off 4 cookies - darn! -evenings are the hardest)
  • marojaan80
    oh wow a gym at work?!?!?!

    i'm a teacher so i get a 30 minute lunch - just enough time to pump and eat a snack (that is, if a student doesn't have a million questions that eat into my lunch)

    i originally had said i would work out in the evening when my husband is home, but he's taking night classes and is gone two night out of the week and is studying or doing work the other nights so i feel like i'm a single mom (but cleaning and cooking after the baby and the hubby)

    my worst problem is snacking - i try to drink water everytime i want to snack, but in the end, i just want a snack... and i fall to the gentle calls of the chocolates and cookies
  • KaltieEm
    KaltieEm Posts: 73 Member
    Maybe try to get one of those running strollers and go for a jog while you baby naps and gets fresh air? :)
  • mombieocalypse
    First off, I don't think you are eating enough calories if you're breastfeeding. Try upping it a bit (I don't think you will gain). My youngest baby will be 10 months tomorrow. I was very overweight with each of my pregnancies so I never gained weight with them. First one I gained 9lbs and he was 9lbs 11oz, 2nd I gained 14lbs and he was 9lbs 7oz and the last one I gained 8lbs and he was 9lbs 6oz. Within the first 10 weeks of having him I ended up 25lbs under my pre-preg weight, but it all came screaming back on. I am now the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I have over 100lbs to lose. Ok, that was a tangent.

    Can you put your baby girl in a stroller and go for a walk? That might be a good way to get a little more exercise in. I would also make sure you are drinking a ton of water and have handy healthy snacks around for while you are hungry.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I gained 100 pounds. Just don't be like me and try to call it baby weight 6 years later...

    I lived right next to a park, so I took my daughter for a walk in her stroller.