

  • I have two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast with light Laughing Cow cheese wedge spread on it, a glass of skim milk, and an apple. Nutricious and delicious! And only about 300 calories.
  • Fries are bad in that they give you calories, but very little else. If you are only eating 1200 - 1300 calories a day, but you are eating 300 of that in fries, then you are eating 1/4 of your food in junk that has very little nutritional value. If you eat them every day, you are most likely not getting the nutrition you…
  • [/quote] I am feeling great! Keeping track is a wonderful thing. Now I have to go out and buy new pants. The old ones are falling off! What a problem to have! i LOVE that kind of problem. Now an excuse to shop! Thank you all for your well wishes! [/quote] To me, that is the biggest motivator - the fact that I feel so much…
  • Good for you! Are you feeling better??:flowerforyou:
  • I think after you reach 10 pound loss increments, the program asks you if you want to readjust your calorie intake.
  • You are right, it is great to have support that is non-judgemental and positive. And a good debate is always fun, IMHO. There are many different personalities and these personalities all need different things. I, for instance, HATE mass produced jokes. I mean, they really stress me out! I would appreciate it if people who…
  • Advil cold and sinus does it for me. Also, try to go to sleep elevated from the abs up. This always helps me too!
  • Let me give you another reason to grin - you're in fargin' University!!! Stressful, but a really fun time in your life. Ah...... if I could only go back for a day!
  • We do a lot of camping and I was wondering if anyone knew of a "mini-scale" or something that you could use to weigh yourself with? We usually go for up to 3 weeks and of course, being on vacation, temptation is great. But the scale I have now is quite big - especially in a pop-up!
  • - So I can get some Canadian news and weather in Celcius!
  • I would not worry about it - he most likely could not see very well, was tired, or whatever! In the past year alone, I have been asked twice when my baby was due (I'm not pregnant!) and one cashier referred to my friend as my daughter (she is 8 years younger!), but It never bothered me. My friend and I had a good laugh and…
  • Thanks for your kind words. The lobster was DEE-licious and as a treat, my husband also made a chocolate fondue, but he made a slim version of it for me. At the end of it, the fondue was only about 350 calories! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • And try to get 100% whole wheat bread rather than just plain wheat bread. There is a world of difference in nutritional value. WW bread is all I eat (including WW pastas). They are great for your digestive system because they have a lot of fiber. They have a heavier taste, but once you get used to it, there is a chance…
  • Ever since my husband and I have been together, he always gets me a lobster (or two) for Valentines Day. And I just checked how many calories are in a lobster and I was pleasantly surprised. I would have eaten and enjoyed the lobster anyway, but this is icing on the cake (so to speak...!) Hope you all enjoy your…
  • I got this info from the University of Rochester website: Calorie Reducing Tips Try alternating alcoholic drinks with low calorie non-alcoholic drinks or water. Ask for low calorie / diet mixers where possible. Make your wine into a spritzer (a longer drink), or your lager into a shandy - both have fewer calories.…
  • So sorry to those who have recently lost their pet or have made the decision to end their days with dignity and love. I have four cats - Panthera, at 16, is the matriarch. She is a calico. Arrete, 3, who was semi-wild and adopted from the Humane Society. She is white and black. Parcheezie, 3 and also adopted. He loves the…
  • From the little bit of research I have done, you would have to eat less than 50% of your needed calories per day for a period of time for your body to go into starvation mode. That is hard to do. I usually don't eat any of my extra calories and I am losing 1-2 pounds per week, which is my goal. But if I'm hungry, I have a…
  • Congratulations! And enjoy Florida!
  • If you are wondering about a food that you make often, it is worth getting to know the calories and servings. The next time you make it, put all the ingredients into a program that will tell you the final calorie and nutritional count. Then get a typical size bowl and see how many times it is filled. This will give you the…
  • You know, you might also want to have a talk with your daughter and husband also. A "treat" should make you feel good and eating all this stuff has obviously not made you feel good. I tell my friends and family that I want to decide when I want to treat myself, because sometimes you really need it - and generally I know…
  • I have also tried the South Beach Version and it is quite good. It has been a while since I had it and I had forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me! *runs off to put caulifower on the grocery list*