SansSerif421 Member


  • Your assumption was correct.. very new :) all the research I've done suggests eating at a maintenance or surplus. I just want to make sure I won't cause any damage. I know it will take time to gauge what's right for me, just want to get started in the right direction. Thanks!
  • Check out this podcast, it convinced me and I was in pure denial, thinking i needed to lower my intake and exercise more.
    in Help :( Comment by SansSerif421 May 2013
  • I actually went from netting 1200 calories to 1600 this week, which is terrifying. I haven't noticed the scale go up yet but am expecting it too. I might up them again to 1800 and then go back down to 1600 gradually. MFP set me at 1200 and I did so until it stopped working. After more research it sounds like we are both…
    in Help :( Comment by SansSerif421 May 2013
  • How many calories are you eating? Are you taking measurements? I am having a similar plateau and similar exercise routine (30 day shred with rollerblading/stationary bike after) I lost tons initially while netting 1200 but then stopped losing for 2 months. Everything I read tells me to up my calories. I'm curious what…
    in Help :( Comment by SansSerif421 May 2013
  • Anyone else had success upping their calories!?
  • That is good to know artex, let me know how much the scale goes down June 1st :) haha Good luck!