Upping Calories


So I am about 5'4" and gone from 165 lbs to 125 lbs in about a year on and off (for shame) netting 1200 calories as per MFP's suggestion. My BMR is currently 1302.

I used to do ALOT of cardio (walk for 2 hours a day, rollerblade/treadmill for a half hour and interval videos like Jillian Michaels) the past month I have joined the gym and started doing circuit training, lifting weights and cutting back some of my cardio.

I have sort of plateaued for the past 2 months, fluctuating between 125 and 130. I have been reading a lot about how I have damaged my metabolism and upping my calories could boost it back up. I was wondering how much I should up my calories by? Should I do it gradually every week or just up them all at once? Has any one had success upping their calories? I haven't read a lot about results. What weight gain did you experience? And for how long? I am nervous about upping them as I am not sure how long I should stick to it until I decide it is or isn't working for me. The last 20 lbs has been a struggle and I am concerned I will lose all my hard work by doing this.

Any thoughts on this topic or my situation would be greatly appreciated!


  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm also 5'4" and I lost 30ish pounds on 1200-1300 calories before I plateaued. I work a physically active job that requires lots of lifting, so I just focus on getting an hour or so of cardio in my free-time. I wanted to try upping my calories, but I worried that if I didn't see results right away, I would get discouraged, so I decided to participate in no-weigh May, where you don't weigh yourself for an entire month, and up my calories then. I raised mine to 1700-1800 (granted my TDEE on work days is like 3100) and I've dropped a pants size so far -from a 12 to a 10. (It's been 3 weeks) I'd recommend raising yours to 1500, giving it 3 weeks to see what happens and decide what you think.
  • c_ansari
    c_ansari Posts: 57 Member
  • SansSerif421
    SansSerif421 Posts: 10 Member
    That is good to know artex, let me know how much the scale goes down June 1st :) haha Good luck!
  • SansSerif421
    SansSerif421 Posts: 10 Member
    Anyone else had success upping their calories!?