Help :(

So Im in week 4 of jillian michaels 90 day body revolution. I do extra cardio on the elliptical after every DVD workout I do. I've been eating back around half of what I burn. My scale refuses to budge though! I dropped a few pounds initially and now it's just hovering up and down around .4-.6 pounds every day. It's really frustrating. I don't known if its cause of muscle growth or what. Just wanted to know if this is normal with this 90 day program. Thanks.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    It's not muscle growth as you are in a calorie deficit. Doesn't that program come with a calorie calculator? BTW, what are your stats (height, weight, age)?

    On a side note, you should probably drop some carbs and add some protein.
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    have you measured your inches??
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    My guess would be your numbers are off and you are now eating close to maintenance. Try reducing your intake by 200 calories for a week or two and see if that helps.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    My guess would be your numbers are off and you are now eating close to maintenance. Try reducing your intake by 200 calories for a week or two and see if that helps.

    Sounds like this to me too.
    Work out a real calorie goal if you don't have one already (or go off the one the program sets you if you want to follow it exactly) and make sure you are weighing all your foods before logging.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    My guess would be your numbers are off and you are now eating close to maintenance. Try reducing your intake by 200 calories for a week or two and see if that helps.

    Sounds like this to me too.
    Work out a real calorie goal if you don't have one already (or go off the one the program sets you if you want to follow it exactly) and make sure you are weighing all your foods before logging.

    She's on 1200 cals/day, she should not reduce. What she should do is ensure that her cals in are actually correct by weighing solid foods and measuring liquids.
  • SansSerif421
    SansSerif421 Posts: 10 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you taking measurements? I am having a similar plateau and similar exercise routine (30 day shred with rollerblading/stationary bike after) I lost tons initially while netting 1200 but then stopped losing for 2 months. Everything I read tells me to up my calories. I'm curious what people think about this too!
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    My guess would be your numbers are off and you are now eating close to maintenance. Try reducing your intake by 200 calories for a week or two and see if that helps.

    Sounds like this to me too.
    Work out a real calorie goal if you don't have one already (or go off the one the program sets you if you want to follow it exactly) and make sure you are weighing all your foods before logging.

    She's on 1200 cals/day, she should not reduce. What she should do is ensure that her cals in are actually correct by weighing solid foods and measuring liquids.

    She should also create a more sustainable calorie goal so she doesn't feel deprived. Change your goal to 1lb a week and change your activity level to lightly active at the least.

    MFP doesn't do that great of a job describing the activity levels. Sedentary means you literally sit all day long. You never walk a dog. Chase after kids. Do housework. Walk more than to and from the car. Lightly active is where a lot of people fit into.

    You have less than 50lbs to go, you can decrease your lbs/week lost goal to 1lb. The less weight you have the lose, the slower it will come off. 2lbs/week is more appropriate for someone with 75+ lbs to lose.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Did MFP put you at 1200 or did you do that? If you did, maybe try using the MFP default? Make the settings for 2lb/wk loss and I bet MFP will allow for more cals/day. You seem to be working out a lot so you may be retaining a lot of water since you're building muscle. Try increasing your water intake maybe? It's definitely not due to lack of your hard work :) I would choose one variable and change it... if that doesn't work then change another one. Good luck!
  • Kellihulst
    Kellihulst Posts: 140 Member
    Reevaluate what you are eating as far as calories in, and what actual foods you are eating. If there is still a lot of sugar in your diet, that could be a cause.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    You are eating to many processed foods ect... You need to eat more lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats.. You cannot out train a bad diet. Your body reflects what you put into it, Try switching up you food, and I am sure you will see results then, I eat over 100 grams of protein a day..
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Everyone has given you some sound advice. Do you have a food scale? If not, get one. You might be eating more than you think if you aren't measuring everything. Check out the group Eat, Train, Progress and read the stickies, GREAT info and moderated by some great people!
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.
  • SansSerif421
    SansSerif421 Posts: 10 Member
    I actually went from netting 1200 calories to 1600 this week, which is terrifying. I haven't noticed the scale go up yet but am expecting it too. I might up them again to 1800 and then go back down to 1600 gradually. MFP set me at 1200 and I did so until it stopped working. After more research it sounds like we are both probably in starvation mode and storing fat. I am worried I have completely damaged my metabolism by eating so little for almost a year. You are also much taller than me and may require even more calories. I am only 5'4".
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Four weeks.

    Daily weighings.

    Have some patience. It's normal to see daily weight fluctuations. Consider weighing yourself weekly.

    If you are getting upset/discouraged four weeks into a new program, you might want to look at perspective, long term goals, etc.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.

    Not trying to be rude but what worked before wasn't sustainable was it? You're here because what you've tried in the past wasn't working for the long term.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.

    Sure you can lose 2 lbs a week, but you will be losing muscle and fat, not just fat. You want to optimize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. The less muscle you lose, the less weight you need to lose to get fit. But if you want to be flabby, just have a huge deficit. I am guy, about the same stats as you, and I lose at 2500-2700 calories and workout about the same.

    Why does 1900 calories scare you? I know 50 yr old woman exercising as much as you and eating 1700 and losing. If you want more validation, here is a thread with over 500 post about women eating 1800 + calories.
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.

    Not trying to be rude but what worked before wasn't sustainable was it? You're here because what you've tried in the past wasn't working for the long term.

    That's true. I guess I look at it differently since I know why I gained so much weight as I was going through a lot of changes in my life and just not being happy. I don't HAVE to lose 2 a week, I'm happy to lose anything as long as I'm losing I guess :)

    I look at my body and I can see some changes, there's just something about seeing that number on the scale that really gets in your head.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm 5'10 and hovering around 197-198. Before I started this program I was eating 1200 a day....but then everyone says you should eat back some calories if you burn a decent amount. I might try hitting around 1300 instead of the 1500 I've been doing the past couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I would suggest you are under eating. Based on your stats and exercise routine, I would suggest 1900 calories would be better. I would also add more protein and less carbs. You are tall and young, two major things that require some extra calories.

    The thought of eating 1900 calories TERRIFIES me. I have some people telling me to eat 200-300 less and others saying eat 200-300 more. Ahhhhh lol.

    I updated my my profile to lightly active and it bumped up my calories to around 1300 ish. I know I can lose 2 pounds a week because I've done it before also around this weight and it hasn't been a problem. I'm thinking I may need to start drinking a protein shake too maybe after workouts.
    What if you complete the 90-day Body Revolution program because you enjoy it? Because it gives you energy? Because you can set a goal and achieve it?

    Then, after those 90 days, assess your progress. Make changes then. If you start making changes every week - or even every four weeks - you aren't likely giving your body time to adjust to the changes you are making. You end up chasing this elusive "right program" or "right diet" and it can be crazy-making.

    What if you finished the program and didn't weigh yourself until you are done?