CKMillson Member


  • Started again yesterday. I could use some friends that understand and accept me as I am, a person scared of getting diabetes if I don't change my game. Add me as a friend if you would like. I am trying to lose 50lbs.
  • Lost 40 gained 30 so " Here we go again" sounds like me. I am happy to be a cheerleader!
  • I thought 1200 was the lowest possible. 1400 seems much more realistic. If you are exhausted than you aren't eating enough, you don't want to put your body into starvation mode! Take care!
  • make sure you are accurately measuring portion sizes. I have noticed that some of the listed portions listed in MFP are smaller than what I am actually eating. Rogsman is right that when you start looking at those macros it will likely help. Good Luck
  • A wedding can be great motivation but make sure you have the big picture of being healthy for life so you can maintain it after the big event and in 10 years brag about how great you look approaching 60! I am sure you can do it! How much do you wish to lose? We can do this and we will do this!!!
  • That is awesome! It is great to be more fit and able then you were when you were younger. I don't often hear 40 is awesome! Love your enthusiasm. Good Luck in your 1/2 marathon
  • I pick my workout music based on the speed. I actually am really enjoying the current top 40 stuff. I really like the 80s remakes that seem to be popular. My adult children think its hilarious when I sing along to hip hop, they wonder how I learned it! I am picky in that I don't want to hear music about violence etc…
  • I am up and working out early too but on the opposite side of the city!
  • Cardio M, W, F and Weight/Cardio intervals T, Th, S. Fun fitness 7 days a week which includes dog walking, hiking, skiing, swimming etc. I purchased a heart rate monitor and as a result I am getting much more accurate measures of my workouts. It is fun to see what your heart does and how it changes over time (especially…
  • Sometimes I think it isn't the actual number of being over 40 but the fact our kids aren't quite as demanding and we have a moment to think of ourselves, then that moment is over and we are dashing everywhere, trying to do everything. At some point there hormonal changes will have an impact too. Muscle burns more calories…
  • dessert... I love SUGAR and FAT put them together. I try to keep them out of my house. I just came back from vacation and my friend loads her wine glass with ice. She told me it was to slow her down on the volume of actual wine she consumes. She has lost a lot of weight and has successfully kept it off. I don't like watery…
  • I am trying the clean eating challenge too. I am addicted to sugar but slowly I am going to get it out of my life. However if I have a little bit I blow it for the rest of the day. I am also an emotional eater! I have my best days when I don't start with sugar, once I have a little I crave more and more. I had thought that…
  • Thanks Matt, this should be fun! Nothing like a spread sheet to keep us all focussed I am going away for a two week tropical vacation in the middle of this! All inclusive, the ultimate food challenge!
  • Good Luck! I have a wacky work and school schedule and live in the wrong part of the city. Not many active people in this group, (active posters not physically active)
  • I was told a great way to know if it true hunger or boredom/emotional/habitual eating is to answer this question. Do you feel like eating a meal (meat, veggies, starches etc) or do you feel like a chocolate bar or chips? I have added a meal to track my evening snacks so I can see their impact and plan for it.
  • Slow start over Christmas I gained some weight but as of this morning that is all gone and I am down a 1/2 lb. Nice to see the numbers going in the right direction for a change!
  • I couldn't survive on 1200 so I read somewhere around here about eating back half the calories you exercise. I have found I maintain but don't lose if I eat all the calories back. Good Luck
  • We have the tools, we have support, we can do this! Age is just a number!
  • I set smart goals and help others to do it on a daily basis with my work so I don't even think about it. Your definition of each word is a bit different but that doesn't matter. Using smart goals as part of the plan is really going to help. Under Measurable you didn't include that your dress might be too big! :D
  • 47 now and getting more fit everyday. I work out 6 days a week and enjoy it. I walk if I have the option (winter on the prairies makes it challenging). I hated being 39, people would tell me they thought I was older, ouch! so I want to be at a healthy weight and fit by my 49th so I can have a more positive year!
  • I am happy to cheer you on. I am a little bit older than you and half way to my 60 lb goal! I have a willpower tip to share. You won't eat it if you don't bring it into the house. Kids will adapt! You can do this, accept baby steps forward. Small changes that you can live with forever! Don't try to do everything at once or…
  • 47 and 30 lbs more to go!
  • Ok I'm in! I wish it were my last 10 but 10 less would still be sending me in the right direction. Starting Weight 172 lbs
  • WOW your pictures are inspiring. You have done it before and can do it again. Knowing that you have to watch it now shows how much you have already learned. Hoping you can inspire us all along the way too!
  • I would be happy to be a friend and encourage you along. Its not easy fitting everything in but I am happy to cheer ya on. I am not sure that its so hard to lose weight because of my age (47) or the fact that life is just plain busy. Which ever it is, it isn't easy! I am half way to my goal!
  • I container garden which gives me greens, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and herbs on the patio (I live in a condo) for a big part of the summer. In winter I buy frozen, label reading to avoid ones that have added salt and sugars! I menu plan every week with the sales flier in front of me. Dried beans/peas etc saves a ton of…
  • I only hear my own music but it does shuffle. On the music control page once you turn on music control it provides an option to shuffle. It also provides me options for playlists. Hope that helps
  • Wow, i had no idea there was so many. Thanks for the list. I like to change it up lots. I have learned which ones I find easier and harder so I can pick the one that fit my mood and energy level. I love it when she adds in some weight training. I really feel like I have worked out then.
  • Drink water, you might be a bit dehydrated. Also with all those changes at once your body chemistry is messed up. Long term in a good way but right now it will be rough. This should only last a few days. Breath deep and good luck! You might consider a Nicotine replacement if you were a regular smoker.
  • I am in... Sunday 4 mile walk at a 4mile/hour pace. Today, Monday, 30 minute circuit training! Lots of sweating and great endorphins to start the day!