

  • I too struggle with the food because I have been taught how to find the 'good' super tasty food. All homecooked but pastas, breads, roasts etc. I am having the trouble of finding the right food and eating habits. Perhaps we can try and test them together? I'm 22 and I always felt lost when I was your age. I always wanted…
  • Hi Z! Welcome. I'm pretty new too. What are your motivations behind your goal of weight-loss (besides your clothes!) Emma
  • Am I too late? I'll join too. This will be a great way to stay motivated!
  • Wow. You guys are informed! :D I like both the ideas of working out at night and turning the light on before turning off my alarm. I'm going to alternate those two and see how I go and which one I like best. I also, sigh, share my cupboard with my younger brother and often have it stocked for when he visits from boarding…
  • Hi! I have found that eating a good breakfast will really set up your mindset for the day and help you to not crave too much between breakfast and lunch. I usually have: 1 cup of All Bran flakes (the tubular stuff tastes awful) 1/2 to 1 cup of skim milk 1 tablespoon of No Forme yoghurt (yum!) You could add strawberries or…