An introduction and tips for starter!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Emma and I just wanted to extend a happy hello to everyone else out there who is struggling with weight-loss like I am. I must admit that I am finding it terribly difficult to motivate myself and exert my willpower.

I was wondering if anyone could please suggest practical ways in employing and strengthening will power? I currently set my alarm for 6:50am each morning to fit in a good walk but have slept through it every time! I am slumping considerably with both exercise and food plans.

I am 22 years old, weigh 105kgs and am 170cm high. This will be my year of weight loss! With your support and advice I hope to finally achieve my goal weight of 65-70kgs.

Any help is appreciated!



  • abray84
    abray84 Posts: 55
    Welcome. My advice to you is to start off slowly. Don't take on too much or you will burn yourself out and become discouraged. Take it one step and a time and get all the support you can get. We can do this!!!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Get a better alarm! How much do you want to change...?
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    There are threads on here about ways to train yourself to get up earlier. One tip that is helping me is to turn the light on before I turn off the alarm. If you are not hearing your alarm you might want to get a 2nd one and put it across the room. Look for alarms that say they are LOUD. Going to bed a bit earlier might help as well.

    Welcome, this is your time to shine - go for it!
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Welcome aboard! Since you are having trouble waking early for exercise, have you considered doing your exercise in the evening? Exercising before dinner maybe? Another tip that helped me was to do a "cleaning" of my pantry. I have to keep school snacks on hand for my b/f's son, but I made a separate snack cabinet for them so that I am not looking at temptation every time I open the pantry to get items for meal preparation.
    The few "good" snacks that I keep on hand for myself (almonds, a bit of dark chocolate) I keep in a spot that is not available to others in the house because they would wipe them out in a minute! LOL
  • jeremymaritz
    So here's my thing...I started Run/Walking back in May of last year...then the snow came and I got all down and depressed and drunk for most of the that spring is back I'm starting again, but Hell will freeze over before get up early to do this stuff! LOL!

    I think my point is that no matter how long you work at it or how deeply you feel your commitment to it, we as humans have a real stupid knack for setting ourselves up for failure...and we do this by trying to change everything overnight; eating habits, chemical habits, sleep schedules, etc. We want it all now...but we can't have it. We have to do one thing at a time...create new habits one by one...make it as easy on ourselves as we can...

    So...not a morning person? Work out in the evening (I actually find the evening more pleasant than the morning...the day's work is done and all that). Like eating a lot? Change one meal at a time into something very good for you (breakfast is easiest I think). You get the idea. Small steps; Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • bumcheeks
    Wow. You guys are informed! :D

    I like both the ideas of working out at night and turning the light on before turning off my alarm. I'm going to alternate those two and see how I go and which one I like best.

    I also, sigh, share my cupboard with my younger brother and often have it stocked for when he visits from boarding school (which is frequently). I am going to create a cupboard space for him away from my food! Good advice guys.

    Thank you!

  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    I think you are so right about getting a cupboard, I am awful though for 'finding' my stash at night I so need to stop that so that I can get & stay healthy.