JulianDaley Member


  • I've tried various video format files without any luck. MP3's play OK but no movies :angry: I'd also love an answer ...
  • I'm in a very similar situation to you. Lost around 32lb, 8 to go to normal BMI. Haven't lost anything for 5 weeks now. I'm going to try some HIIT sessions (as well as strenght training and some longer cardio sessions) and might also try a 24-hour fast once a week. Good luck!
  • Cheers: "Whatcha up to Norm?" "My ideal weight if I were eleven feet tall" :drinker: :laugh:
  • There used to be a guy called Azdak on these forums (where did he go?) who seemed to know a lot about HRM's. There is a blog post here which I think explains it all quite well. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Azdak/view/the-real-facts-about-hrms-and-calories-what-you-need-to-know-before-purchasing-an-hrm-or-using-one-21472
  • For a female your age I think the NIH/WHO guidelines for health body fat percentage are 24% - 36% so you are right at the top of the healthy range. Lose a few more pounds and you will be fine. Keep up the good work, Julian.
  • Are you sure you haven't got BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage mixed up? BMI is simply weight divided by height squared (using metric units). I think you probably had your body composition checked which gives you the percentage of your bodyweight that is fat (rather than bone/muscle etc). It can be confusing…
  • I posted this a few weeks ago: I've been testing a few different Android tracking apps recently and comparing their accuracy on distance. I start all the apps at the start of my walk and stop them all at the end. I then upload the map to Google and edit the track to remove any errors to get the actual distance. Here are…
  • I've been testing a few different Android tracking apps recently and comparing their accuracy on distance. I start all the apps at the start of my walk and stop them all at the end. I then upload the map to Google and edit the track to remove any errors to get the actual distance. Here are some results as a percentage of…
  • This figure seems at odds with the METS tables; are METS no longer considered accurate? The METS tables (and MFP) give walking at 3mph on the flat at 3.3 kcal/kg/hr. So for a 276lb individual (125kg) that is 412 kcal in an hour. Can you explain where the 650-700 figure comes from? I'm worried that I've misunderstood…
  • Once the snow clears I'll give it a go! Thanks.
  • Another great post, thanks. Could you suggest some links to more detailed routines for some of these, especially sprinting. There is some discussion of HIIT sprinting routines on exrx.net - is that a good place to start? (PS congrats on 5000 posts!)