yquier Member


  • Smuckers crunchy. I refriderate it and leave it at room temp for a few minutes before using it. It stirs and sprads much easier.
  • I got a chicken recipe from Taste of Home http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/Tasty-Italian-Chicken-2 The website recomends this creamy noodle recipe as a side dish http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Creamy-Noodles (I saute garlic in olive oil instead of butter and use country crock light margarine for the sauce instead of…
  • Getting to buy clothes at a normal store and not Lane Gyant!
  • You may add me as well! I'm a mother of three and my breaking point was after my third child, instead of loosing I was gaining. I hit 250 and was done. I started Insanity three weeks ago and joined MFP a week ago. I could use some motivating pals myself.
  • You can add me. I just joined this week myself and need some support as well.
  • So now I can have that double cheeseburger I've been craving!! My kids will be so happy. I've told them we probably will not be going to McDonald's this summer. I may even let myself have a small Dr. Pepper. (My weakness).
  • Hi! I'm a 34 (almost 35) year old mother of three. Two girls and one boy. I am in my second week of Insanity and just joined MFP yesterday. You can add me if you like. I need some motivation myself. Congrats on loosing 12 pounds so far.
  • ABC Nightly News had a report on this a couple of days ago. The Dr. they were talking to said people that aren't allergic to it should not go gluten free. I've never thought about going gluten free and the report has me believing that I shouldn't . I can't remember all the details of the report but maybe you can see it…