Maraleen_M Member


  • Hi, Erica - and welcome to MFP!! I'll send a friend request to you.. I'll cheer, motivate, encourage and kick your *kitten* any time you need it!! lol :)
  • Hello, there! Yes, I primarily (re: 98%) of the time, walk. I've been using MFP and walking for 105 days and have lost 30lbs. I walk 8km in 50 min (so I *am* power walking at a quick pace) and work up a fabulous sweat :)
  • Hi, Emma Welcome to MFP!! I'll happily request your friendship to support, cheer and motivate you along on your journey to a new you :)
  • Hello to you as well, and welcome to the MFP Family! Kudos to you on your prior weight loss and even bigger kudos on beginning to run!! WTG :smile:
    in Hello! Comment by Maraleen_M August 2012
  • @ el_guapo22 // your strong shoulders and arms! @ julieam517 // warmth radiating from your smile and face @ shyrina25 // beautiful smile and long, luschious hair!!!
  • I understand / empathize with the sentiment you've posted. It *is* frustrating when you've sweated (literally) your *kitten* off to lose weight but the recognition (whether we admit it to ourselves or not) from others to praise our hard-won efforts isn't forthcoming, you get discouraged. We should all enter into getting…
  • Life is short. Live it. Love is rare. Grab it. It's your life, your choices. I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it; I want to have lived the width as well. :heart:
  • You bet I do!! I have stretch marks from having two babies and surgerical scars (my tummy resembles a "T" intersection (lol) - and I am 110% comfortable with them - and so is my husband :heart: For all you Moms out there with stretch marks: The Beauty Love Left Behind A mark for every breath you took, every blink, every…
  • lightly sarcastic. always authentic. Weird things happen to me; nothing that you should be afraid of, but just realize that if we become friends, you're in for a wild ride. I'm the proud mom of two boys, ten and fourteen, and step-mom to two, a girl, 16, and a boy, 7 **whew!* * I'm recently married, am a black belt in…
  • I saw (and read) the information as well. It seems very positive.
  • Hi, Everyone, and thank you to Perceptualobfuscator for the invite to join Support in Saskatchewan group :smile: I live in Birch Hills and commute to Prince Albert for work. I've been with MFP for 44 days now and have lost 15lbs (I've plateaued out now for about a week, however **sigh**) I'm an active (read that as…
  • I just turned 40 in October but have been on HRT since 2005, having undergone a total hysterectomy when I was 33 due to medical reasons and twelve surgeries at that time. Whereas HRT and helped me not commit a felony (haha), it sure hasn't helped me in my weight issues! It makes it more difficult to lose and the older I…