

  • i have been told i look like linda carter.
  • i am either in a nightgown or pj pants and shirt...once in awhile i go naked...just depends on my mood and the hubby's....lol
  • i dropped about 60lbs and gained it back over the course of a few years then i got pregnant...lost a little..got pregnant again and then lost twins...of course i was depressed and believe it or not i did not gain any...but by the grace of God i got pregnant again with my 8 year old and I gained way more weight than i…
  • i would think that spending $120 a week for shakes is a bit much...i would rather drink an Ensure and take a mutl-vitamin...or make my own "shakes" with a protein powder...i would take the the extra money saved and get a gym membership...remember if you do the liquid thing to lose weight when you start to eat real food you…
  • i havent tried any burger recipes out...but i think i am going to try making portabella mushroom burgers...my oldest wants me to make them...i just have to hope that my other 2 girls and my husband will be willing to give them a try...i have seen them done with a balsamic vinegar based marinade and then grilled real…
  • im going to be 43 in august and i hear you on the hormone thing...mine are getting out of whack now...i seem to be getting night sweats once in awhile...i dont have to worry about any other problems with the hormone changes...that was all taken care of with surgery...although there are times i want to cry...LOL
  • i see it in my face first, then it seems to happen all over but my stomach is usually last {well it depends on what exercises i do. sometimes it disappears from my waist/stomach area quicker}
  • you can add me as a friend...i have had a weight problem all my life...mine all started when my parents divorced when i was about 6 and i was a latchkey kid on top of that..i was teased about my weight and i "ate" my feelings...i am still struggling with that...
  • looks like i need to go buy some protein powder to make this...it sounds pretty good
  • i look through store ads and base my shopping on that when it come to buying produce and my meats..plus i shop at Aldi sometimes but mostly i hit the local WalMart since they are usually cheaper and they match the prices of other stores if i can find something cheaper somewhere else. I am teaching my kids my way of…
  • i am in Westfield Indiana.
  • i had an ablation and before the ablation i had packed on weight but once i had it done within a few months those pounds came off without trying.
  • I am willing to try thing once..i just need something to satisfy my cravings for crispy foods..i used to be a chip junky and these sound like they would be a great alternative.:happy: