Thoughts on SHAKEOLOGY



  • reashamoriba
    reashamoriba Posts: 121 Member
    I actually brought the shakes and also turbo jam by Charelene and it was worth it lost 80 lbs since October. I love kickboxing and I love chocolate LOL
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    $120 will feed my husband and I meals full of healthy foods for two weeks! I wouldn't waste my money on it.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Shakeology is a very expensive, useless meal replacement shake. There's nothing in it that you can't get, in much higher quality, for much less money, from other sources. It's essentially a ridiculously expensive multivitamin, and even then, it's not that good.

    This!!! Enough said!! Plus, Beachbody coaches are a pain in the butt! I find it quite offensive that they all copy and paste the same crap everywhere!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Well, I've had it for a couple of weeks and I loooooove it! I drink it for breakfast everyday and I have noticed better digestion and a decrease in my enormous appetite! And it is delicious as well. It is pricey but I feel well worth it! Hope this helps, definitely give it a try, if you want to go in with friends and order it from beach body go ahead, it is cheaper to order it from a coach but you don't have to.
  • joncgoodman
    Shakeology is good stuff. Just look at the results! Joking aside, my son takes the stuff after his workouts and is living proof of the results. For best results, add ice, skim milk, and use a blender to mix.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    It's been part of my daily eating menu for 2 it.
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    Well, I've had it for a couple of weeks and I loooooove it! I drink it for breakfast everyday and I have noticed better digestion and a decrease in my enormous appetite! And it is delicious as well. It is pricey but I feel well worth it! Hope this helps, definitely give it a try, if you want to go in with friends and order it from beach body go ahead, it is cheaper to order it from a coach but you don't have to.
    It's doing that because it has probiotics, fiber, and whey protein. You can get all of this from much much cheaper supplements, as well as real food and not spend 120 dollars a month on it.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Eat food! Save yourself some money.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    shakeology / body by vi / etc...

    If I can't live the rest of my life doing a shake for a meal, why start now? No sense in it as far as I'm concerned. It's a lifestyle change, and if any of these fly-by-night MLM companies go bankrupt, you're just going to wind up having to fill that void with something else.

    Just another gimmick.
  • judysaprincess
    It's the most amazing addition to my healthy clean lifestyle, a lot of people are negative towards it, but it has more benefits than the negative responses in the feedback...the only biggie is the cost for most! My health and happiness are worth more than $120 :) I BELIEVE in their programs! I've been on it since Jan 12 and couldn't imagine my breakfast w/o it!
  • donnamorad
    donnamorad Posts: 22 Member
    I have been drinking shakeology for a while now and love it. It is really expensive I agree, but for me it helps with weight loss, my cravings and digestion. I DON'T buy from beachbody coach and have been using it even before it was all over facebook. Give it a have nothing to lose.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    It's $4 per meal. In the end I had to stop taking it because something in it irritated my stomach. So it goes.
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    IMHO, use what works for you. Everyone has different body chemistry and different dietary needs.

    For me, I try not to lean on meal replacement shakes or supplements because I should strive to eat healthy enough that I'm getting the vitamins and nutrients that my body needs. If you're busy, go for it. It's quick and easy to take on the go or pack along when travelling. But, your exercise/nutrition plan is only going to give you back what you put into it.

    I don't know about Shakeology, but I know Body by Vi does like a demo trial kind of thing where you can try it for 90 days for relatively cheap (like 50/mo I think). Give it a whirl.. see what works for you. Keep in the back of your mind the exit plan from it also though unless you plan on keeping this up for the rest of your life.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I think ultimately - it is good. The problem people have with it is that you aren't getting anything special. It's just put nicely and conveniently in one place for you.

    Now if that is worth $120 a month then go for it, but for me it would never be worth that.
  • TinaVaal
    TinaVaal Posts: 2
    I have been on Shakeology almost every day for the last three months. I also found it hard to justify the cost at first, but when I realized how much I was spending on a latte and muffin every morning(and how unhealthy) - this ended up being cheaper. I drink it every morning for breakfast. And if you drink it every day it averages out to be about $4.35 a day. But like others posted - you could do a half a scoop a day, or drink every day, or take the weekends off - and one bag could last you two months - bringing the cost down to $2.17 a day - not too bad! :) And if you are not happy - they have the bottom of the bag guarentee(you get your money back if you don't get results) Personally, this helps me eat healthier during the day, I have WAY more energy than before, and it has helped me drop a few pounds and inches - and helped me see muscle definition I have not seen before!
    I'd say - if you are curious - just give it a try! The nutritinal content from what I can see is great (one scoop equal to 4 cups of broccoli, 4 cups yogurt, 2 cups radishes... etc..)
    If you do try it - I recommend the Chocolate - or Tropical (which is vegan and cost is a few dollars more)
    Good luck! :)
  • WonderWomanDawn
    i would think that spending $120 a week for shakes is a bit much...i would rather drink an Ensure and take a mutl-vitamin...or make my own "shakes" with a protein powder...i would take the the extra money saved and get a gym membership...remember if you do the liquid thing to lose weight when you start to eat real food you could gain the weight back..its like when people do the Medifast system...they end up gaining the weight back and then some because they have had nothing but liquids for however many months they were on the system...just my opinion
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    First off I am NOT a coach :) I do drink this product and I do believe in it. I do not use it as a weight loss tool more for the nutritional value. I have not been sick in over a year and I am a mother of two kiddos who bring all those good germs home. I do not buy it form a beachbody coach I buy it from beachbodies website. Some coaches can be a pushy and want you to buy anything from them just to make money and build their pyramid. i only use a half a scoop so it lasts me two months. Its was too rich for me for a full scoop like it calls for. It is a lot of money that is true, but I think its worth it if you can afford it :) Hope this helps :)

    I dont use it have not been sick in over a year and have 2 kids who are little germ factorys as well. My bank account is pretty heathy as well,there is noting in that stuff that you can not get from fruits,veggies ect
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Overpriced and the pushy salespeople are what get to me. I've seen them on these boards with their copy and pasted sales pitches and lies. I saw someone say it prevents cancer. I'd like to punch that guy in the face. Another person said they are so amazing they should cost $300 a shake. Just sales talk. It's just a protein shake.

    Don't let your weight loss efforts become someone else's income. I hate all multi-level marketing schemes. They turn good people into paid schills who pester their friends and scam others out of their money.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    It's always best to opt for REAL FOOD.
    If you need an emergency meal replacement, fine. But I don't think one should make fake food part of your every day routine.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    Question How is $4 for a meal replacement over priced if you are paying $5 or $6 at a fast food chain for inferior food?

    I have looked into Shakeology for those days when things are SUPER busy and I find myself picking up hamburgers for the family.