Thoughts on SHAKEOLOGY



  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    There's a sucker born every minute and this is just another gimmick to exploit the fact. In the never ending line of health fads, the gullible and lazy will throw money at something if it saves them time and effort which is why they got into the state they did in the first place. And by the look of most on here, they will make an absolute killing.

    This isn’t cheap for what they are charging and the ingredients are nothing new and to be honest, nothing special either. Lots of better, cheaper meal replacements or whey alternatives on the market.

    Someone somewhere is making a lot of money off the back of those wanting a quick fix singing the praises of a protein meal replacement, which is why the diet industry is worth billions and will continue as long as idiots feed the pockets of such businesses.

    I'm not one to argue with ignorance; however, how did you come up with the idea that people that drink Shakeology are gullible and lazy? That's a pretty bold statement. I have met some extremely motivated and successful people who kick butt every day working towards and surpassing their fitness goals. As a matter of fact, I BRING IT everyday!

    Sure, someone is making money somewhere, but please tell me where in the world someone is not making money off of a "health" product. There are just as many "gullible" people (as you call them) in the grocery store aisles everyday buying "Low-fat" and "Sugar-free" this or that. Health and Wellness is a big business - period. Everyone is trying to lose weight, get faster, build more muscle. Yep, I buy Under Armour, Nike, Addidas and I'm sure alot of people on this site do as well. Over-priced apparel, yet we LOVE it! We buy into the hype that these pair of shoes will allow is to run longer or these workout pants will help lift our @$$. So I suppose we're all gullible and lazy I suppose - unless you're running barefoot and naked and living off of dirt and water. Oh wait! You have to pay for that too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I personally have been on Shakeology for two weeks now. I love the stuff. It's my first meal of the day. It boosts my energy and helps me make through the day. It keeps my energy up and I feel so much better. I promise this is not a stupid purchase. Check out some of the inspirational stories. My coach has lost 65lbs in 5 months using Shakeology and all of the great programs that are offered by Team Beach Body.

    If you make the commitment to use Shakeology and change your nutrition you will change your life I guarantee it. It's not hard to get fit for yourself and your family. We only live on this earth for a short time, make the best of it.

    Take Care and God Bless,
    Jeff Fitzmorris
    Shameless spamming.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Did anyone look at the Shakeology warning label? Says you might screen for synthetic steroids if you use it. Red flag anyone?

    Shakeology contained Suma Root which is a plant sterol and they can't distinguish between that and synthetics in a blood screen. They have since removed Suma Root from Shakeology so it is available to EVERYONE including professional athletes.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    The body absorbs more of the vitamins and healthy stuff that is in shakeology differently than in pill form. I drink shakeology every day at lunch and love it. I have seem great results and it helps me add more protein to my diet. I have used various weight loss and protein supplements over the last several years. GNC protein powders are good and you can get them low calorie, however they don't contain the vitamins, probiotics and superfoods. I have also taken pills that are supossed to help fat burning ( i know they are bad for you, but back then i didn't think that far). Those didn't work for me, they just made my heart race until i got very sick from them. To be honest, i have seem more muscle definition in the 3 months i have taken shakeology than I ever saw in the years of taking any other protein shake. My workouts have been slightly different also. Before i did lots of cardio and i did do some mild lifting, squats, ect. Now i am almost done with the turbofire program and contemplating insanity. If you choose to try shakeology they do offer a bottom of the bag garantee, where after 30 days if your not satisfied you can return it (less s&h).

    ^ Agreed.

    I do wonder - how educated most of the negative responses are. Have you actually tried Shakeology? I for one was a nay-sayer. $119 a month did seem a bit pricey. But I also used to order out for lunch every other day. So I can actually justify what breaks down to about $3.96 a day. Additionally, compared to other protein shakes I've tried (and I've tried a good many of them) it is far superior nutritionally. As one who is currently on the TurboFire program, my body NEEDS what Shakeology has given me. And a little food for thought: We pay more for what we put ON our bodies rather than what we put IN our bodies. We can justify buying a $120 pair of running shoes....
    Again how is it that vitamins and minerals from shakeology are absorbed differently than any other vitamin or mineral? Is there some gold carpet rolled out in your stomach before shakeology arrives to it?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There's a sucker born every minute and this is just another gimmick to exploit the fact. In the never ending line of health fads, the gullible and lazy will throw money at something if it saves them time and effort which is why they got into the state they did in the first place. And by the look of most on here, they will make an absolute killing.

    This isn’t cheap for what they are charging and the ingredients are nothing new and to be honest, nothing special either. Lots of better, cheaper meal replacements or whey alternatives on the market.

    Someone somewhere is making a lot of money off the back of those wanting a quick fix singing the praises of a protein meal replacement, which is why the diet industry is worth billions and will continue as long as idiots feed the pockets of such businesses.

    I'm not one to argue with ignorance; however, how did you come up with the idea that people that drink Shakeology are gullible and lazy? That's a pretty bold statement. I have met some extremely motivated and successful people who kick butt every day working towards and surpassing their fitness goals. As a matter of fact, I BRING IT everyday!

    Sure, someone is making money somewhere, but please tell me where in the world someone is not making money off of a "health" product. There are just as many "gullible" people (as you call them) in the grocery store aisles everyday buying "Low-fat" and "Sugar-free" this or that. Health and Wellness is a big business - period. Everyone is trying to lose weight, get faster, build more muscle. Yep, I buy Under Armour, Nike, Addidas and I'm sure alot of people on this site do as well. Over-priced apparel, yet we LOVE it! We buy into the hype that these pair of shoes will allow is to run longer or these workout pants will help lift our @$$. So I suppose we're all gullible and lazy I suppose - unless you're running barefoot and naked and living off of dirt and water. Oh wait! You have to pay for that too.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Well if you read their website, it tells you that you can lose 10lbs in 90 days if you replace 1 meal a day with the shake. Then when you actually read in more detail it also says exercise 3 times a week, and have a more healthy balanced diet. So guess which part of that is actually helping these people lose weight? It's a scam like everything else. I just don't understand why people give so much props to the shake though when they are actually eating better and exercising, and that is the reason they are losing the weight.

    :drinker: This is the exact same thing as HCG! Peopel swear by the results, but are too brainwashed to see the results are coming from the 500 calorie starvation diet, not the product!

    The more I am seeing people in my life use these kinds of products, the more I am seeing a trend. All are selfish, vain, greedy and materialistic people. They expect things without hard work and depend on others in many aspects of their life. They put down your hard work to make them feel better about cheating, and when my hard work sticks around and their cheating creeps back up, they get defensive.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm using this every chance I get! I'm so glad I read through this thread! I'm going to stick with my multivitamin and my whey protein shakes.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    There's a sucker born every minute and this is just another gimmick to exploit the fact. In the never ending line of health fads, the gullible and lazy will throw money at something if it saves them time and effort which is why they got into the state they did in the first place. And by the look of most on here, they will make an absolute killing.

    This isn’t cheap for what they are charging and the ingredients are nothing new and to be honest, nothing special either. Lots of better, cheaper meal replacements or whey alternatives on the market.

    Someone somewhere is making a lot of money off the back of those wanting a quick fix singing the praises of a protein meal replacement, which is why the diet industry is worth billions and will continue as long as idiots feed the pockets of such businesses.

    I'm not one to argue with ignorance; however, how did you come up with the idea that people that drink Shakeology are gullible and lazy? That's a pretty bold statement. I have met some extremely motivated and successful people who kick butt every day working towards and surpassing their fitness goals. As a matter of fact, I BRING IT everyday!

    Sure, someone is making money somewhere, but please tell me where in the world someone is not making money off of a "health" product. There are just as many "gullible" people (as you call them) in the grocery store aisles everyday buying "Low-fat" and "Sugar-free" this or that. Health and Wellness is a big business - period. Everyone is trying to lose weight, get faster, build more muscle. Yep, I buy Under Armour, Nike, Addidas and I'm sure alot of people on this site do as well. Over-priced apparel, yet we LOVE it! We buy into the hype that these pair of shoes will allow is to run longer or these workout pants will help lift our @$$. So I suppose we're all gullible and lazy I suppose - unless you're running barefoot and naked and living off of dirt and water. Oh wait! You have to pay for that too.


    ROFL - not even close. I find this quite entertaining.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Sure, someone is making money somewhere, but please tell me where in the world someone is not making money off of a "health" product. There are just as many "gullible" people (as you call them) in the grocery store aisles everyday buying "Low-fat" and "Sugar-free" this or that. Health and Wellness is a big business - period. Everyone is trying to lose weight, get faster, build more muscle. Yep, I buy Under Armour, Nike, Addidas and I'm sure alot of people on this site do as well. Over-priced apparel, yet we LOVE it! We buy into the hype that these pair of shoes will allow is to run longer or these workout pants will help lift our @$$. So I suppose we're all gullible and lazy I suppose - unless you're running barefoot and naked and living off of dirt and water. Oh wait! You have to pay for that too.

    That really should be their slogan.

    Shakeology! Buy into the hype!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    If people want to waste their money, I say let them. Unless some scientific proof comes along that states Shakeology is a miracle worker, I will stick to my simple whey protein. And yes, it is a marketing ploy.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Shakeology is not only overpriced, it's DISGUSTING! It's completely unpalatable unless you add a bunch of other things to it to make it taste halfway decent - which also adds to the cost. A whey protein shake and a multi-vitamin probably has a better nutritional profile anyway. Shakeology is all smoke and mirrors.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    The question is what does Dr. Oz say about it??? Hmmm :bigsmile:
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    This topic comes up again and again, and it's always the same. Some people are raving about, and some people scream "Scam!"

    It's like this. It's a pretty expensive shake, but it's healthy. If you can afford it, and you think it will be a healthful choice for you, go for it. If not, it's easy enough to buy your own protein powder (something without artificial sweeteners and crap) and blend it together with ice and fruits/vegetables.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm new to the site and just taking a minute to browse through these threads and I came across this discussion.

    I have been doing Body by Vi since September 2011. When I first heard of the program I was very skeptical and wouldn't even give it a chance. Then I stepped on the scale and saw 233lbs flash before my eyes. I knew I had to make a change and that change had to start with my habits.

    As an outside sales rep, I'm on the go quite a lot....and my office is home based. My problem was that I wouldn't eat until I got home at about 3pm and then I wouldn't stop eating. The Vi shakes were able to offer me a quick, easy way to start to correct my bad habits. I cut out my morning coffee, and had a shake instead. I packed a healthy snack and a shake for lunch when I was on the road. I counted calories and still ate "real" food the entire time. It is now 8 months later and I still love my shakes, still eat a ton of good, healthy, food and I'm down 57lbs and 25.5" from chest, waist, hips.

    I understand that every product out there doesn't float everyone's boat and that others might not see the value however I have never looked it at it as a "miracle" shake. It has still taken work and determination to achieve what I have achieved. What I don't understand is why people are so quick to judge? Body by Vi was the kick in the butt that I needed to put my health first....and I would hope it's the same for others on here whether it be with Vi or Shake-o or just making better choices.

    Have a great day all!

  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    no, do not be suckered into buying stupid things.

    ^^^^ THIS
  • AmyG17
    AmyG17 Posts: 24 Member
    First off I am NOT a coach :) I do drink this product and I do believe in it. I do not use it as a weight loss tool more for the nutritional value. I have not been sick in over a year and I am a mother of two kiddos who bring all those good germs home. I do not buy it form a beachbody coach I buy it from beachbodies website. Some coaches can be a pushy and want you to buy anything from them just to make money and build their pyramid. i only use a half a scoop so it lasts me two months. Its was too rich for me for a full scoop like it calls for. It is a lot of money that is true, but I think its worth it if you can afford it :) Hope this helps :)

    I dont use it have not been sick in over a year and have 2 kids who are little germ factorys as well. My bank account is pretty heathy as well,there is noting in that stuff that you can not get from fruits,veggies ect
  • AmyG17
    AmyG17 Posts: 24 Member
    I totally agree with you about you can eat fruits and veggies to get the same effect. I use it as a snack or a recovery drink. I also have a hard time with eating enough protein and this helps with that. Glad to hear you have been well too :)
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member