Thanks. I disconnected to Fitbit from the phone and reconnected. That seemed to do the trick and it's working now. Does anyone actually use a phone to make calls any more? ;)
124lb is my personal goal weight - I have been as low as 114lb in my 20s and 30s, but I'd look unwell if I was at that weight now, being somewhat more mature! My clothes fit me well and I have plenty of energy at that level. I'm currently 127.5 after the holidays, so back on MFP to shift those few lbs again.
Why are you letting him do the shopping? If you're unable to physically go to the shops yourself for some reason, how about shopping online (if that's possible, I'm in the UK so this might not be possible if you live in a remote location without online shopping available)? Losing weight is all about taking control of your…
Yoga is superb. Most of all it calms the mind, but also develops flexibility and strength. Try to find a good teacher. And take a look at the website - lots of interesting articles and videos you can try at home - but it is best to go to a class if you're a beginner.
A BMI of about 22 is considered to be "slim" - so find a BMI calculator and work out what weight that would be. But to lose the gut you'll also need to do specific exercises to improve core strength - sit-ups/plank for example. Hope that helps!
Ok - so let's share strategies for this weekend. And then compare notes early next week. They say if you write something down, it will happen (especially with the thought that we can motivate each other). So, my challenge this weekend is that I'm going out to watch a rugby match with friends, preceded by what is likely to…
Hi - also from UK - South Wales
I know what you mean! You could try saving a few hundred calories during the week and using those at weekends. You can see a weekly view of your calories to know how you're doing. Myfitnesspal will warn you that you're under your daily allowance on the days you go lower, but if it's not an extreme amount you should be ok,…
Have a look at - lots of free videos and information on there. But I really would recommend finding a good teacher and going along to at least an occasional class too.
As others have said, housework can be exercise if you do it vigorously enough - ok, maybe not as good as a 30 minute gym workout, but it all counts and you can add in the calories. When my kids were younger I used to try to fit in exercise alongside them - so we'd all go cycling or walking together. Now they're older I…
Hi again everyone - thanks for the messages. Shall we set some rules for ourselves? Here are mine: - Log my food/exercise every day here - Don't get too busy/stressed out that I reach for the chocolate/wine - try yoga instead! - Plan ahead so I always have healthy options available - Eat regularly - Exercise to get fit,…