simplyciera Member


  • Have you guys tried J.Lo's line at Kohls? I'm addicted to her clothes because their cut for pear shapes like mine. It is hard to find bottoms that fit nicely though, but I wouldn't trade my butt for anything. I have big old boobs and a big old butt and I love both of them :)
  • Adding you! I read your 'about me' & may I say that you're so inspirational & your story is beautiful! good luck! I look forward to seeing you lose!
  • Maybe but then you'll have saggy skin. 30 pounds lost but you'll still be self-conscious. Then you'll eat pounds of ice cream because you hate your body. Then the scale gods will say you gained back the 30 plus 10 more....Is it worth it? Slow, steady & toned<< go for that. You look gorge just how you are; you're just…
  • It shows THEIR immaturity and insecurities. It, in no way shape or form, is a reflection of you or your successes. I've learned to stop using other people as a marker for my happiness or feeling of accomplishment. I'm not happy when someone else gives me a compliment or is happy for me. I'm happy because I love myself & am…
  • Would it look like a melon passing out of an elephant's trunk? Idk, but I'd love to see it <3
  • ^ This. and I've also heard it's dependent on your body type and where your body deposits fat. Like I'm a pear. Typically, my body deposits fat into my hips/thighs first and tummy last. During weight loss, I've been losing my tummy first, but my butt and hips aren't getting smaller at all :/ Overall, love your body! You're…
  • It's ridiculous that people are fighting this much over FOOD CHOICES. It isn't cancer treatment, the state of the union or serious social issues that are plaguing humanity. Be grateful you live in a place where you can eat what you want and argue over it. Some people struggle to eat ANYTHING on a daily basis.Seriously? Put…
  • Very true. By making snap decisions, we're feeding right into the hands of those who use emotional appeal to win cases rather than facts & up-to-date, logical laws. I read about this case that the woman was being beat, left & went to the garage, came back to where the abuser was, and fired warning shots. This was played by…
  • Exactly. It' not about protecting anyone. It's about winning. It's a shame. Tell me why the prosecutor has the right to charge a person with all types of crimes without having to get those charges approved by anyone? Prosecutors stack the deck in their favor alllllll the time! It's all a circus. That movie Chicago had it…
  • To me, 'innocent until proven guilty' is bull. It came from a good place, but it's been so misconstrued to the point that law is no longer about finding truth. The prosecutor's job is to send people to jail. A lawyer's job is to stop people from going to jail. Neither is trying to find truth.
  • Would I date a dude that had kids? Depends on how many, by how many different women, & the relationship he had with the kids/mom. But I'd NEVER date a dude that had kids & didn't take care of them. Disgusting.
  • It should've. Lol there won't be an appeal any time soon. We all know that.
  • OMG...I don't even know what to say.....
  • Criticism is constructive based on your perception of it. If someone comes up to me & says, "Ciera, you look fat", I can either get insecure & feel like someone is out to get me, or I can say, " I off my game? Is this person pointing out that my body is changing in a negative way despite the way it was said?" I am…
  • If anything, this case shows the change that needs to be done to the laws and judicial system. My best friend is in law school & we argue that alot of times, a case is won based on semantics, emotional appeal & a lawyer/prosecuter that is much smarter than the jury & takes advantage of that fact. It has very little to do…
  • Make it up to him: sex Let it go/remember: definitely remember that he's sensitive about it. No man wants to be emasculated or unintentionally disrespected. He, like many men, connect their ability to provide with their manhood. If you diminish or joke about his ability to provide, you could be making him feel 'small' as a…
  • a sweet southern charmer
  • I've read on forums/blogs that your body type decides where you deposit fat, and when you start losing weight wherever you started gaining last is what starts shrinking first. For example, I'm a pear shape; my bust & waist is smaller than my hips. Fat typically goes to my hips and thighs first and then my tummy second. As…
  • You have an awesome friend! Don't let the gift go to waste. Repay her by losing weight, feeling fantastic and looking fabulous...Even though you're already fabulous! <3
  • Dude I'm not trying to be mean to you! nothing wrong with having fun lol No judgment. Everyone has had their share of recklessness & it's totes okay! Embrace it, fxck it, & then move on! <3
  • No, I just don't think that's he's been in a mature, healthy relationship with a TRUE mature, woman who has high self-esteem and her finances, mental capabilities and life together. But he has time to learn ;/ Plus, the crazy/slutty/whorish ones fxck the best so if I was dude that didn't care, i wouldn't be in a rush to…
  • This is true.... but I'm sensing some tension. I just finished watching LAHH & I need some more drama. Continue :)
  • I'm low carb. I fluctuate the amount of calories I eat, but I TRY to eat under 25 net carbs. I've been failing this week (TOM), but typically, I like to keep it low & healthy fats high....
  • Single, but being best friends with someone you fxck. Wait...that's a relationship.
  • I make myself available & people make themselves available. If you want friends, be a friend. I've actually met people from my friend's list & I know consider them unconditional friends/family. Like I'll go to their house for a bbq, a friend is going with me when I get a tattoo & I've done arts & crafts/ bakery dates with…
  • Depends. My mom taught me to be independent so I'd expect her to do the same. My mom has a master's degree and post-master's certificates & she's 50. I don't think she'd need to stay with me long-term. If she was sick, disabled, mentally unwell, then HELL NO, I wouldn't charge her rent. If I could, I'd quit my job to take…
  • OMG yes. You can never please most women because we're soooo emotional & read into everything. If my man says I have a fat *kitten*, I go buy clothes because I feel AMAZING. A big butt is a win. If he says that I need to lose a little weight, I'm just glad that he NOTICED! So many men just act like women are objects to…
  • Yeah, that's what many of my friends say...their kids are afraid/uncooperative or they have limited time & have to bathe together. Thankfully, my daughter lovessss the bath! She loves to get her hair washed, face cleaned all that! lol I think it's hilarious when parents start embarrassing their kids with sex talk! I…
  • I'm all for teaching children the proper, scientific name of body parts and taking away the silly taboo of one's body, but I'm not too sure I want my kid using my body as their point of reference nor experimenting with it. I think it's kind of inappropriate, especially if there isn't a conversation and explanation about…
  • -crystal light -lemon juice (fresh squeezed is better, but some people like concentrate) -let fruit sit in the water overnight, take the fruit out & then drink it (You can eat the fruit too, but take it out first so you don't choke. My friend likes pineapple & peach best)