

  • I might be an idiot but what is a cleanse? Colon cleanse? All I could think of. Took this magnesium sulfate crap once and felt like i was going to throw it up but thats my extent of knowledge coming with that. I normally have over 1000 net calories to eat still after exercising so i could easily fgit this in.
  • I'm in the exact same situation. I eat about 900-700 calories from my net of 1350 but cant eat more cause thats still alot of food for me but after dinner about an hour later ill go on a 3-4 miles run and burn about 500-700 calories sometimes breaking even and being back to 1350 needed again but i don't eat them. But ohh…
  • Porn chops...funny. My wife has me on more of chicken and fish. Last night an hour before my cardio run i had opah moonfish and it was great. I also get alot of carrots and apples and such. I always alot alittle more calories for dinner since im unsure how many calories are in the bakery bread we get.
  • This sounds awesome. My problem is i've been so focused on running for cardio, military problem gotta keep up on it for our tests, that my breakfast is plain and simple once i go after. I'm unsure whats healthy to snack on and whats not so this sounds like a great one and the microwave idea.
  • I was thinking about that so I will probably in the cases when I burn more calories then i eat totally that day will probably just eat another portion at dinner or since i plan out the calories ill consume that day just eat a bigger lunch. Bigger dinner then bed not always good. Maybe even a bigger breakfast since i'm…
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