How frequently you should do cardio and weight sessions depends on your fitness goals. My personal preference is to separate cardio from weight training when possible, by at least 3 hours. However practically speaking for my schedule, many times I cannot do that. In those cases I do my weight training, then my cardio…
Seek medical advice for this. Could be heart problem, could be a nerve problem. For example, I have herniated discs that pinch off some nerves occasionally. This kind of thing could cause you a lot more problems if you don't get medical assistance and any appropriate physical therapy now.
Dried beans and brown rice Old Fashoned Oatmeal Raisins Lettuce (by the head)
Ensure sufficient recovery time for each muscle group and ensure you get enough sleep each night. Recovery time is when your muscles repair themselves and get bigger. Get enough protien each day and make sure you also get some carbs also after a weight training session. Stretch.
What works for me is doing: Day 1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders Day 2: Back/Biceps Day 3: Legs/Abs Day 4: Rest Repeat, so that every 8 days I am hitting each major muscle group twice, with sufficient recovery time for each muscle group for me before I work it again. When starting out, start out slow, perhaps just one set for…
Are you eating healthy fats, such as avacados, walnuts, almonds?
Thanks to everyone on thier feedback to this. I didn't start this post, but I got a lot of good info reading through the replies. I am going to switch up my workout routine now where I do a quick 5 minute warm up (instead of 30 minutes) on an eliptical machine, then my stretching and weight training, and then 30 minutes on…
Cardio seems to work for a good warmup for me before weight training.
One more thing I should have mentioned: mucsles need sufficient recovery time. A couple of days before working out the same muscle again is usually best.
There was a time earlier in my life when I was weight training, and I was always sore. I just never seemed to recover. I no longer have that problem and I am currently weight training intensely. I only have mild soreness with a muscle group the day after I work out that muscle group, but that's about it. I think my biggest…
I struggle with getting sufficient protien also, but I'm not a strict vegitarian since I do eat fish. It's still a challenge for me to get enough protien though, while at the same time not consuming too many calories. I do eat a lot of greek yogurt. I end up having to resort to protien suppliments (powders and bars) every…