

  • You are so welcome...I have referenced this website for years!!!
    in Pizza Comment by plifsey January 2011
  • I would think it is probably all about the same? Or maybe just look and maybe do an average of? Pizza is yummy, you might just want to have it sometimes and enjoy it when you do!!!!! I do....we are having tacos tonight, and I have been saving calories just for that.....
    in Pizza Comment by plifsey January 2011
  • 12" Medium Pan Pizza: Pepperoni & Mushroom (260 cal/13 g fat/1 g fiber/27 g carbs) this is one slice of pizza from a 12" pizza from Pizza Hut.... Sorry, should have mentioned a pan pizza...
    in Pizza Comment by plifsey January 2011
  • 12" Medium Pan Pizza: Pepperoni & Mushroom (260 cal/13 g fat/1 g fiber/27 g carbs) this is one slice of pizza from a 12" pizza from Pizza Hut....
    in Pizza Comment by plifsey January 2011
  • Is it a mom and pop? Or a chain restaurant? Go to's weight loss zone...there is a list of probably every restaurant out there with a break down of food, you might be able to find your answer there
    in Pizza Comment by plifsey January 2011
  • Hey...yes. I feel good, all these responses...I am not really new.....just back after a small hiatus. My friend LisaLisa2113 and I are doing this......thanks everyone!!!!
  • from what I have heard, you burn calories for about an hour after a cardio workout and 48 hours after weight training.
  • 20 pieces of Brach's candy corn is 150 calories.....I love candy corn!!!!! So I let myself have it.
  • hey funny, I also went to Chili's last night, I had aprroz. half a basket of chips with salsa and the chicken fajitas with no tortillas or the condiments, I came in under goal, and I was also up weight this morning. I beleive it was the sodium.....
  • I do the same thing, it is very frustrating...
  • You might want to drop the weight training to 3 days a week instead of 6 days. Muscle weighs more than when you are lifting weights, you burn calories for up to 48 hours after a work out.
  • 2 quarts=8 cups
  • I agree with consignement, I went to one yesterday and they were selling women's jeans for $1. May not have a brand name, but for $1 who cares right? As long as they fit, and you feel good!!!
  • thanks to all, it is the guilt that gets me because to many of the bad days got me in this situation. All I can do is smile and keep on going :happy:
    in Blew it Comment by plifsey October 2010
  • supposedly there is something about the fake sugar and caffeine that make people gain weight, caffeine is a stimulant.
  • I think if you start denying yourself, then you set yourself up for failure. I think in moderation it is all right, you all ready have all the tools you need. So sure, cheat a little....enjoy it!!!
  • So glad someone saw this and can benefit.....:smooched:
  • I added it as Dancing/aerobic
  • Not sure what people are familiar with as far as web sites, but when I did WW, a big site for me was dotties weight loss zone, or There are a TON of restaurants listed on this site, and I mean a ton, and it is broken down by restaurant and then food items. For example, I copied a line from Aunt Annies…
  • Look at you, go girl!!!!!
    in Hello Comment by plifsey September 2010