
  • This is a great site with a lot of supportive people, I have only been on here for three weeks and have already lost 8lbs!! The message boards are great and the calorie counter is wonderful, really helps you see all the crap we put inour mouths and helps you think twice before "just haveing one more" We are all here for…
    in Hi Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!! This is a great site, a lot of supportive people and great instruments to help calculate things!! Keep us updated!! We'll be here if you need us!!
  • WOW That before and after is amazing!! Great Job!!! JUst keep up the hard work and I 'm sure you'll be 120 sooner than you think!! GOOD LUCK!!
    in Hi Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • CONGRATS!! :drinker: :drinker: Keep up the good work and you'll be there before you know it!!
  • COCO BUTTER!! Its the best!!
  • Actually not to far from there! I'm in Green Valley on Warmsprings and Valle Verde
  • HEY!! I'm from Vegas where are you at? My friend who is from here is also on MFP! Its great to meet you welcome and good luck!!
  • I know its hard!! Do you like soup? There are some great low sodium soups from Campbells and Progresso that are YUMMY!! Also try shopping at stores like Trader Joes or Whole Foods most of them have aisles dedicated to low sodium foods!! Good Luck!
  • :smile: WELCOME & GOOD LUCK
  • Congrats!!! I can't wait till I get to lay my jeans to rest, they've had a long hard life and its only fair that I let them go soon!
  • 1 cup peanut butter 1 egg 1 cup splenda (can add oatmeal for more texture) Blend and bake 8- 10mins!! YUMMY AND EASY!!!
  • yummy!!! Those all sound great!! Thanks for the post!!!
  • the new skinny line at starbucks is great!! Is non-fat sugar free and only has 90, 130 or 160 cals in in depending on the size!!! Its great and actually tastes good!!
    in coffee Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • That was great!! Thank you!!:drinker:
    in Pledge Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK!! We are all here for you!!:smile:
  • WELCOME!!:smile:
    in hi all Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • LOL welcome and good luck!! I usually get a lot of grief for saying this because I'm 20 but I frimly stand by "Age is not a number, its a state of mind!!"
  • First of all I SHARE YOUR PAIN!! I say the best way to avoid comments like that is to completely ommit the word DIET!! If someone offers you something, just say "No thanks." there is no explaination necessary!! I think the word diet has such a negative connotation to it and people, especially those who either one think…
  • Don't beat yourself up over it!! yes you probably are gaining muscle. Try taking your measurements I bet you've lost inches!! Really use this site to log what you eat It really shocked me to see the cal count of some of the things I thought were healthy!!! Don't give up!! the important thing is that you are trying!! We are…
  • LOL thats funny about your cousin!! I tottally agree with the 100 cal pack they are greatI'm actually eating one right now!! Fudge Shoppe Mini Fudge Stripes!! Yummy and there are more than you think!!
  • My stepmom can count all the cals she wants but unless she cuts back on the carbs she won't lose. Some bodys process carbs differently than others. If my step mom eats too many carbs she'll feel tired and run down and gain weight. Ever since she cut back on carbs shes lost 25 lbs and has a lot more energy. Everyones body…
  • Have a great weekend!! I wish I had a three day-er but alas I must be here in this boring office when i would much rather be outside playing tag in the park or something, (yes I know I'm 20 but come on, who doesn't love tag?) Have fun and keep up the good work talk to you monday!
  • Alright, really bored at work and its making me want to go into the breakroom and grab one of those 100 cal packs I have in there but I'm trying to resist cause I only have like 475 cals left for dinner and while I'm sure there is a lot I could do with that, I'd rather just wait. How about you? How you doing?
    in Ciao! Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
    in I'm New Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • HELLO AND WELCOME!! :smile:
  • lol!!:laugh:
  • Hi Crystal!! first off hello and Welcome!! Its a hard road but we are all traveling it together. My best advice to you is to start slow and only set small goals at first. You'll see that if you stick with it they will be easy to reach and before you know it you'll have more confidence and be losing weight! For example I…
    in Hello Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • Welcome and good luck!! We are all here for each other!! :smile:
    in Aloha Comment by MIDGEKIN January 2008
  • Thank you and same to you !! :smile: