

  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so it's possible that you are burning off the fat and gaining muscle. The weight gain is actually a good thing! Sometimes, you can't measure progress on a scale, you have to base it on how you look.
  • Switch to skim milk and egg whites. That'll cut all of the fat out and leave you with great proteins! I eat a lot of fake meats that are low in fat and high in protein. Also, for breakfast, check into Special K protein plus cereal, and Kashi Go Lean (crunch or original). I get a huge chunk of my daily protein just from…
  • In my opinion, you are exercising excessively. No one needs 2+ hours of exercise a day unless you are consuming several thousand calories. take it easy! your body will never repair itself if you keep pushing it, and that ulitmately slows your progress.
  • I'm not seeing how that picture could be considered inappropriate at all!
  • If your body doesn't have enough carbs to use for energy, then it will burn off proteins instead. This will take the protein away that you need for muscle development/repair. Plus, you'll lack energy and will have far less motivation to exercise. I used to limit carbs until my trainer told me that I was doing the…
  • that sounds delicious! thanks! i'm going to add some tomatoes and mushrooms :)
  • ultimately no. calories are what determine weight gain or loss. keep in mind, though, that sugar helps you feel hungrier and uses a lot of calories on less quality nutrients.
  • yeah, that seems really off! most of us are only allowed 1200 calories before exercise. i would check the settings again. i think 2000 calories would be acceptable if you're trying to gain a pound a week. there's no way you could lose a pound a week by eating that much, unless you run marathons on a daily basis. i'm a…
  • sugar is a high glycemic food. it messes with your insulin levels, and too many of these foods cause fat storage. some fruits have a low glycemic index, such as apples and pears, so those are alright to eat in moderation. sugar is also high in calories, and if you go over your daily limit in those, then that triggers fat…
  • i used to smoke too. it's hard to exercise with a lower lung capacity, but i've found that walking is a great way to burn calories without over-stressing your lungs. if you are a member at the gym, it's very effective to walk on a treadmill with a slight incline. you can't even notice a .5 or 1 incline, and it burns so…