

  • What I posted earlier about eating more frequently and less amount is being misunderstood. Instead of eating all of the calories at one time spread them out through out the day. I did not mean for it to come across that she should eat less calories than she was already. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Carbs are great and I'm not saying she should not eat them. Just not eat as many. Things that have a higher protein content also break down into energy and take longer to break down which also helps with feeling fuller longer. Also eating a more balance meal when possible of vegetables and fruits and meat vs just meat and…
  • I have a scale that has BF%, but quit using it as a measurement as I agree that I dont think it is accurate. With the workouts I do its between an hour or 2 4 days a week at a moderate pace.I also try to do about 30 to 40 min of cardio a week. I am a healthcare professional so I try to make sure that I do stairs and walk…
  • I agree I try not to fret over weight, but since I haven't seen any change outside of getting stronger and dropping a pant size. I have worked hard to get where I am now. Want to continue on the right path and I hoping this will work! Thanks!
  • Looking at your diary. I think part of the problem is that you need try to eat more frequently and less amount through out the day. If its possible try to cut out more of your carbs. I had the same problem at first, but if you can incorporate more protein it is slower to break down for energy. Cottage cheese, greek yogurt,…
  • I started lifting over the summer, but really started lifting about 3 months ago. I wasn't losing any weight before I started with my new regime, but dropped 4 lbs to 194. Since then its been between 195-200 lbs. I know most of this is attributed to my muscle weight, but I just want to make sure I am eating right and now…