Been going on for a month now.



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Sorry to be blunt but you haven't been consistently eating more! I went right back through your diary and you have days with 800 and less, 900, 1000,1200 with some days in between with higher calories. It looks to me like you may not have worked out your TDEE yet so you know exactly how much to eat every day which is why you are all over the place.

    Also your protein intake is frighteningly low. You are not eating enough protein most days, get it up closer to 100 and to do that yes you do need to cut down on some carbs or fats. Your muscles need the protein if you want to look good and healthy and you are only eating protein numbers in the teens. Listen to the good advice others have given you and ignore those saying to eat less. You'll only end up with eating disorders or hormone issues and be skinny fat.

    Edited to say if you only have 10lbs to lose then you need a SMALL deficit taken from your TDEE. 10% is enough.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    When I see "quick add" calories, I always think the person is lying on their diary.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    When I see "quick add" calories, I always think the person is lying on their diary.

    I don't think she is lying because she is trying hard to do this but I know when I've used quick add it's been because I didn't know the calories in something so was guessing or was feeling lazy. I rarely did these two things though because you MUST weight and measure EVERYTHING when possible or you are not going to know how many calories are in things are you?.. except with packet crap.
  • What I posted earlier about eating more frequently and less amount is being misunderstood. Instead of eating all of the calories at one time spread them out through out the day. I did not mean for it to come across that she should eat less calories than she was already. Sorry for the confusion.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    What I posted earlier about eating more frequently and less amount is being misunderstood. Instead of eating all of the calories at one time spread them out through out the day. I did not mean for it to come across that she should eat less calories than she was already. Sorry for the confusion.
    Meal/nutrient timing is totally irrelevant to weight loss.
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    Your young so your metabolism should work in your favor. One suggestion is to break your calories into 6 meals per day (every three hours). Your metabolism will be burning consistently and this helps you burn fat faster and also stay less hungry. If you do cardio, it's best to do it in the AM before your first meal. When lifting or exercising, eat high protien meals after your workout (within an hour). Dring lots of water, lots.... Don't eat carbs after 5 PM. These are no brainers and everyone has different results but I found that eating frequently really turns your body into a processing machine, digesting calories consistently and helping with weight loss. If you exercise is increasing, muscle will replace fat and add weight, but you'll look beter.