sonnig_tag Member


  • Actually, a better fit would be "strength training" and oddly it's listed under the "cardio" tab. Calorie-wise it's more realistic. Under the "strength" tab there is no fitting animal. You can keep track of your muscles worked, weights, reps, etc., but if you're like me, an hour spent with a personal trainer always is a…
  • oof...IBS must be rough. hey I found another really active group that is brand new. Want to check it out? I think we both need more support!
  • Very cool! I tried my hand at raising meat birds a few years in a row, both chickens and turkeys. Turkey's are MEAN! LOL! Brining is so easy; it just takes a little planning. It's so worth it! I'm scheduling exercise this week with a goal of going to the gym twice. Last week I only made it one time. :-(
  • The stew sounds good. I love to cook. I even have a foodie FaceBook page. Today I slow roasted some chicken I brined. Tasty. Went outside to do a little gardening today. SOOO hot. Stayed inside mostly staying hydrated. Off to update my food/water etc
  • Sorry to hear about your knee. Injury?
  • weird... the word "count" was censored?
  • I'm hoping the answer is "yes" because I'd like to o**** that (but how?) Amy -- I am hypothyroid too! Dont have Hoshimotos, though.
  • Just found this group-- looking for a smaller group with active members (tough to find!)... Can I jump in? Susan
  • I hope the specialist treats you respect - that's "what" they allergies! It's amazing to me how many of us have them. So many genetic changes to food over time that we are eating fewer nutrients and are allergic to so many staples! Didn't do so well with fluids yesterday so I am making more of an effort today.…
  • Are you getting married, Patsy? Good for you for planning ahead tonight! RE: doctor's... I had a blood test done a few months ago because my stomach was always bothering me. Turns out I have foos sensitvities. Once I identified what those were and avoided them, everyting improved. Dairy is a REAL trouble-maker for me. Down…
  • Good morning! Busy day ahead of me. Yesterday I did well on calories and water, but no exercise. I also know Im going to the movies tonight so I will need to be causious (popcorn) with food the rest of the day. It would be great if everyone could report in once a day! Helllloooooooo out there! LOL
  • I am SORE from that little trip to the gym! I had this fantasy that I would go back yesterday (SHYA!) and felt under the weather as well. Slept a LOT. Feeling better (i think) today. Where are the other folks who signed up??
  • where is everyone??
  • wow...I just realized that if you enter your exercise it "earns you" extra calories to eat during that day! NOOOOO! That's not how we lose weight, that's how we maintain weight! I'm going to delete the exercise now and re-enter it at the end of the day after I'm done eating. :wink:
  • Good morning! I went to the gym today (first time in 3 years)!! I went with my friend Wendy who has been a member for a while at the same club and we did the elipticals for 45 minutes! I actually sweated! Woot!
  • I should have put my membership on hold, but, alas, didnt think of it. My back is fine now, thank goodness!
  • Thanks, Patsy! I started a chat thread with a little about myself. So glad you started this; I need it! LOL Susan
  • Hey gang, Traveling always messes me up. I drove out to see my man-friend 700 miles away on Wednesday. he had/has NO food in his house except frozen bagels, canned soup, eggs and a huge bag of oranges. LOL. Bachelors! Anyhoo, I took myself out to my very favorite Japanese restaurant yesterday and had miso (whoa--sodium!),…
  • Weird food day yesterday (Monday), but I had a cup of veggie soup, grapefruit, and a large salad. I'd call it 4 servings total. I'm taking my mother out for a belated Mother's Day lunch today and plan to eat some veg, plus grapefruit this morning.
  • Basically: cooked greens and other veg = 1/2 cup = serving. Raw leafy greens = 1 cup = serving. Fruit: 1/2 cup = serving (or small/medium banana, medium whole fruit, etc.).
  • Day 2 of the F&V Challenge, and I managed to eat 5 servings again (second day). Tomorrow will shoot for 6. It's tougher than one might think! I am also trying to kick up my water intake, as I have been bloated and dehydrated... Time to let go of all that!
  • Good morning, and Happy Mother's day! Yesterday I had 2 servings of grapefruit, 2 servings of steamed beets, and a serving of steamed kale. So, 5. It's tough to get them in when you're out of the habit. I just had brunch with my daughter and made sure we both ordered a bowl of fresh fruit (~8oz). I dont know who said it,…
  • Also - a technical question - how do I find this thread easily? Is there a way to mark it? Thanks :-)
  • I'm in. Realizing I have been eating too few veggies, for sure. My name is Susan. I'm new to the website but have used the iphone app off and on, not really sticking to it. Recently I had a physical and my fasting blood sugar is too high. I have been worried about this...and have diabetes in my family. Anyhoo, I need to…