chipvb Member


  • Good article. Wow, I never knew Rockstar Energy Drink puts a warning "Not recommended for children or pregnant women on it".
  • I quit smoking about a year and a half ago and am so glad I did. I won’t lie, it was hard, and I had tried many times, but I made it eventually. Since quilting my life is gotten so much better. Quitting smoking was just the first step in a series of good choices. I now exercise regularly, eat better, and live a much better…
  • So VERY SILLY! My wife and I used to love watching biggest loser, but last night might have been the begging of the end for us. I have to think a little of this was encouraged by the show’s producers to add a little controversy and boot ratings. Seems to me the show is slowly becoming less of a good inspirational show and…
  • I think good for them! I love to run, and I think if more people tried it (more than once or twice) they would too, not to mentione what a great way to get in shape. Also, just because someone is overwieght doesn't mean they are any worse of a runner than someone who appears to be skinny. If you enjoy it, more power to you…
  • They're crazy, of course you burn more calories running than walking
  • Ahh Burpee's.... Love to hate them :)
  • My wife and I try to have a glass of lemon water everymorning. Great info, thanks for sharing
    in Lemons Comment by chipvb January 2012
  • I am also doing it now, and think it is great. I had been going to the gym for some time but with so so results. Within the first couple weeks of doing P90x I already started seeing results. I am in week 9 right now and as wsheaf82 said, it is still hard but you will be amazed at how fast your body starts getting used to…
    in P90x Comment by chipvb May 2011
  • For me, it is all about motivation. I have been going through a bunch of changes recently, quitting smoking, eating better, and working out. I can tell you for certain that there was (and still is) many times where I want to relapse in one way or another, but every time I feel this way I think of my motivation (in my case,…
  • Welcome to the site and best of luck to you
    in New here Comment by chipvb March 2011
  • That is awesome. What a cool goal and great accomplishment. You should feel great about yourself, that must have taken a lot of dedication and motivation, but you did it. Congratulations!
  • My advice is have fun with it. My wife and I did our first run together last year and I realized the reason she doesn't like running, is she looks at it as a chore. You've said you are doing well towards your goals, so chances are you can do it, just don't make it any harder than it really is. When you run, run at a comfy…
  • I had the same thing happen to me a couple months back. I called Amazon and eplained I never recieved the package, and they sent a new one out and I had it two days later. I would call them, they will take care of it.
  • From my experience, yes your body does get used to exercise over time. I found when I first started going to the gym, I would leave feeling like I had a great workout. But after a couple months I just didn’t get that feel anymore. Some friends told me to switch it up, have a couple of different routines, and never do the…
  • It takes a little of getting used to (the phone apps), but you'll find (prob int he first week or so) that you able to fly getting your meals into it. The more you use it, the easier it gets as it remebers all of your previous entries (and serving sizes) so for common items you can just check them from the previous lists.
  • I think it is good that you feel you have to work out. The fact that you do just means you are motivated and dedicated to yourself. With that said, taking a day off is a good thing. Without rest, your body doesn't have a chance to rest, and recover. Taking one day off here and there is ok, jsut don't let that turn itno 1…
  • Welcome, and best of luck with your goals.
    in Hi! :) Comment by chipvb October 2010
  • Muscle always looks better than fat, and even lack of muscle. I’d say keep building the muscle and tone. I think most guys would agree, muscular legs are very sexy.