

  • I like C4 Extreme or AC/G3 on days I do Insanity and Platinum Pump Fuel on days I lift. Platinum Pump uses Kre Alkalyn but not as much caffeine and 1,3 Dimeth as Jackd 3d. Lots of mixed articles on 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (Geranium).
  • Thanks all for the feedback. Sometimes I think the hardest part for me is finding moderation. I have always been very OCD like that. Its great to have MFP to bring me back to reality. Cheers.
  • cut into small pieces with or without tomatoes and add to 2% cottage cheese. good protein, healthy fats, and low GI carbs.
  • GNC Amped Wheybolic 60. Two scoops rather than three. I think 40 grams is plenty as the body can only process so much protein at a time.
  • @wilkerton - my reply was in response to ACG67's comment about 91 minutes as a "missed opportunity". It was not a direct reply to your original or second post. Good luck
  • Sorry if I misled you, I missed your workout time in your first thread, and also did not state that I am completely opposite. I workout at 4:30 am. I use a PWO supplement to give myself some energy and fuel. Since you workout late at night, I agree your body will be well fueled and less susceptible to going catabolic.
  • Wow dude, didn't know it was going to be taken so literally. Seriously, just saying I "personally" subscribe to refueling when glycogen stores are low and you just burned a bunch of calories, it makes sense to try and refuel with nutrients and macro nutrients with easily absorbed foods like whey protein and simple carbs…
  • Don't worry about staying within a HR "fat burning zone", just focus on totally calorie deficit. If you create a 3,500 weekly calorie deficit and meet your protein and complex carbohydrate goals, you will lose weight. Try to do some strengthening or weight lifting program to build lean muscle as lean muscle helps raise…
  • Personally I think there is relatively small window (30 - 90 minutes) of opportunity to refuel after my workouts. When I lift, or do HITT, I prefer to drink a protein drink within 60 minutes of finishing. Generally a good whey protein drink will have some dextrose or maltodextrin to help increase insulin and increase…
  • I have done P90X, Insanity and Asylum many times through since mid 2010. I think each have specific advantages to one another. For me, P90X is great if I have laid off for a month or two as it seems to do a good job of total body strengthening. Insanity is great for high intensity training, and endurance and asylum seems…