

  • I second the carrot sticks and hard boiled eggs. Carrots are so filling and so low in calories!
  • I know I just mentioned this in my above post, but the beauty about the fertility awareness method is that it works even if your cycle is all over the place. It is not dependant on a "typical" or "average" cycle and it doesn't matter if your cycle is the same from month to month. It allows you to know where YOU are in YOUR…
  • I usually have the same thing every day for a few weeks until I just don't want to eat it anymore, then I make slight revisions to it and continue eating that for a few weeks, and so on. It makes it easier for grocery shopping, food prep, planning, tracking calories, and also easier on the wallet as someone else mentioned.…
  • OMG I was waiting for someone to say this! It is called understanding your body! Women can only get pregnant for a small window in their cycle, when they ovulate. And if you have minimal days of what they call "Fertile" cervical fluid, the window can be very small. Have as much sex as you want when you are NOT ovulating…
  • I want to be strong, not skinny! The thing that irritates me the most is when people look at my arms and say I am too skinny! I have been working on lifting weights trying to buff up my arm muscles. I have also been working on my abs to tone and tighten them. I think all of the photos people posted on here are beautiful,…
  • So, Here is my 2 cents! You are absolutely doing the right thing by excercising and lifting weights! Way to go! However, I have read that while you are cutting calories to lose weight, you cannot "build UP" your muscles. I don't think that means you cannot work them out to make them stronger (although I am not an expert).…
  • Feel free to add me! I love finding new friends. It seems to re-energize me! I have struggled with this in the past. If you want to friend me, I can tell you what I have tried and what has worked in terms of avoiding the evening binge. Cheers and good luck!
  • bump for sure! That looks delish! I have been looking for a lower calorie quiche. Thanks :-)
  • I one hundred percent agree that every woman should read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"! My husband and I are gearing up to try for our first and his coworker recommended it. I felt like such an idiot that I didn't know 95% of the stuff in there about my own body! I feel so empowered now that I know! With that said, I…
  • ^^ Exactly. Both please!
  • OMG this litterally made me laugh out loud!! Sooo funny imagining that. Anyways, I don't think anything has annoyed me today. But YESTERDAY I was so friggin' annoyed with the piss-poor performance of my coed-indoor soccer team's performance. And it was a playoff game for friggin' sake! Other than that, I am feelin'…
  • that gave me a good laugh! A little hypacritical, isn't it......LOL!
  • I don't really think it is that dangerous. What is going to happen? As long as she knows her limits and doesn't work to complete failure, I don't really see what could happen. The weights fly off the bar and hit the baby? Maybe I am just not seeing what could go wrong? It is inspiration though. And her baby is seeing her…
  • Well the range of your hr sounds reasonable so I would think the device is working well. Just keep in mind the more personal info the device can factor in, the more accurate your caloric burn reading will be :-) But 140 is a decent amount of energy.....also note chest straps are usually a little more accurate for measuring…
  • The first time I used my HRM it was way off, but at the same time it said my HR was above 220 BPM! When I am running a 9-min mile pace I burn just about 110 calories per every 10 minutes or so (and that is my steady state pace, meaning I can run 10-11 miles at that pace so I am not sprinting compared to my fitness level).…
  • It is always something different, but recently it has been peanut butter! If it is in the house, I will not be staying within my calorie range. Just can't stop. Peanut butter chocolate cups. Mmmmm, so yummy. Also cheesy nachos.
  • I am always looking for new friends as well as recipe ideas :-) Feel free to add me too. My favorite thing right now since it is summer time is obviously all the wonderful fruit, especially peaches and cantaloupe. I am also on a quinoa kick. The best thing about quinoa is it keeps for a rediculously long time in the…
  • I am here to fit in my clothes, look hot, and be healthy. I would say you cannot always judge people's motives based on their diary. Everyone always says to make changes slowly, one thing at a time. Maybe someone is starting off by just reducing their portions, but have not yet taken the step to change WHAT they eat. Or…
  • I think the good ones run over $100 usually. The one I have is a chest strap plus an adaptor that plugs into my iPhone (Digifit). It has an application that goes with it. The total cost plus shipping is about $134 (if I am remembering right). I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a HRM and the Digifit application is pretty great IMHO.…
  • This is so true! I find that when I eat healthier, smaller amounts of food and stay within a reasonable calorie range, I have more energy and feel GREAT! You can do it, it is just mind over matter. Once you get rolling, it is like a train, and you start to pick up more and more speed :-)
  • I work out on my lunch break, best thing ever! Almost nothing intervenes with my workout time unless I am on vacation and not at work :-) I am always too tired in the morning and too tired at night (I commute 45 minutes to and from work and I work 10 hour days 7-5pm so I leave at 6:15am and return at 5:45pm).
  • this is a very filling snack / meal. You have to eat it hot or it doesn't taste that good. This makes a ton so you can just refrigerate it then heat it up in the microwave when ready to eat a serving: Oatmeal soup (makes about 8 servings (172 gram/serving): 3 cups chopped celery 4-1/2 cups almond milk (the 60 cal/cup…
  • I know for certain some of it is indeed self imposed. But at family gatherings, my mother-in-law always gets huge cakes and fried food, etc. (and we have ALOT of family gatherings so this aint no once a month thing), and she practically force feeds us. We had to literally run out of the house once and say thanks for having…
  • I am in a similar situation. A few months back I was about 5 pounds lighter and everyone was worrying about me saying I looked too skinny. So I don't want to go back to that, but I also have a muffin top on my belly that is stubborn as all hell! Right now I have upped my calories to just around maintenance, and i am trying…
  • If you are thinking of doing more of a house party, I went to a party once where everyone was given a card when they arrived (like from a deck of playing cards, ace, jack queen, king, etc.) The object is to mingle with everyone and find other people so you can make the best poker hand possible with your card. it was so fun…
  • For me, alot of times the days I eat badly I do not weigh everything and eat things that I have no idea how many calories they contain, so it is hard to even estimate. I want to track every day, and I try not to eat poorly, but it happens. I guess we are all hear because this is work and a journey that is never over!
  • I agree that it is just easier for people to plan going out to dinner and happy hour. Lately though, I have noticed a shift with my friends wanting to throw in other events like hiking. It is the perfect event for talking AND getting some excercise in. If you don't want to drink, offering to be the DD is the best way to…
  • welcome! I've been on MFP for over a year now. Always looking for new people to motivate & to keep ME motivated. I am sending an add,!
  • Hi! I have been using MFP for a little over a year and I love it! You can add me if you like :-) Good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey, and great job so far!
  • Thanks for the great link! I actually checked out the Veggie & fruit nutrition database and I LOVE the fact that they list all the nutritional data PER GRAM of fruit or veggie! I feel like putting down "1 medium apple = x calories" is so inaccurate! I like to log all my food by weight if possible. Thanks again!