

  • Finally put together a collage of my pictures. I really wish I had some better pictures at my heavier weights. Unfortunately, I was really good at taking pictures at angles that de-emphasized my weight.
  • I'm on my second round of 30DS (meaning, all three levels, ten days each), right now I'm at L1 D3, doing D4 tonight. The first time I went through the shred it helped my take my 5k time from about 27 minutes to 23 minutes, which is one hell of a drop. It made me a lot more competitive of a runner, that's for sure.
  • Adding another one to the pile. I'm 5'4", and at my heaviest I was 175 pounds. And now I'm 132 pounds. Size 4 dress. I used to be a 12. Edited to fix pictures.
  • When I was 175 pounds, my goal was 150. I hit 150, then decided that wasn't what I wanted. I went from 150 to 143 pretty slowly, and stalled for a long time. When I started MFP, I was 143.4 pounds, with a goal of 130 pounds. Right now I'm at 133, and I can tell that another 3 pounds of loss is not going to put me where I…
  • I did Level 1, Day 2 today, along with a 5k afterwards. I decided to use 8 pound dumbbells. I'm really excited to see how this helps my upper body!
  • Anti-cellulite creams are just trying to get your money. Don't bother. Cellulite is present in almost all women. Even women who aren't "overweight" can have cellulite. Some of us have it, some of us do not have it. You can minimize the appearance of it by diet and exercise. Less fat to be affected by the condition means it…
  • Laziness. Swiss Cake Rolls. Orange Soda. I have nothing to blame but myself. Not sure if that makes it better or worse.
  • Breakfast cereal. I eat two cups instead of one, but at 110 calories per cup, it's well within my caloric restrictions. Pico de Gallo, because at 5 calories per serving, it's an amazing way to heap flavor onto other foods without much consequence. I usually go up to 20 calories worth. Eggs, because for breakfast I eat two…