

  • I like to marinate my chicken in soy sauce and spices at least a few hours if not over night. Best to dice into chunks so that all sides of meat are able to absorb the flavors. You can season with garlic and onion powders, red pepper, thyme and cumin. Or what ever seasons you like.
  • One tidbit of advice, if it isnt in the house, you are less likely to eat it. I had to give up eating sugars in all forms for health reasons and the best way I found was not to buy it. No cookies, ice cream, chocolate, you get the idea. It isnt easy, but if you have a goal you want to achieve, not having the temptation in…
  • I know how you feel, you follow a good plan all day but then those late night hungries get you and ruin it all. You can try veggies like celery and carrots. Since they are low calorie and full of fiber and water, they help to fill you up. You can even try celery and peanut butter. If you are really hungry then try crackers…
  • Lettuce or salad greens, tomatoes, cukes, red pepper, canned black beans, canned chick peas, celery, Frozen fish fillets, frozen peas, bananas, chicken breast
  • Chicken, eggs, cheese, fish with brown rice, or whole grain crackers like Triskets and lots of veggies. I am leaning towards celery sticks lately myself and popcorn... Hope this helps
    in HELP!! Comment by cornlady June 2012
  • Okay, so you bought the pizza and ate more than you should have, Put the rest in the freezer in two slice packages for lunches. Tomorrow is a new day!! Dont beat yourself up about it, we all make these kinds of mistakes with food, just put it behind you and start fresh... Girl you dont need to explain yourself to anyone…
  • I agree with you, there are people on here who think they have to be so thin that when they turn sideways they almost disappear... This is a great site for losing weight, but there are plenty of people who still dont know about empty calories and the healthy foods they should be eating. I wonder, does anyone from mfp…
  • That's great!! Why, well you say you hardly went to the gym and that you can really use the money elsewhere. It doesnt cost anything to lace up your shoes, grab a couple of hand weights and go out for a brisk walk. Own a bike, go bike riding. How about rollerblading? There are walking paths all over, try to discover new…
  • People dont think before they speak, As much as it might hurt, it is fuel for motivation, use it in a positive way... good luck to you!
  • I didnt see any results the first couple of weeks, until I added more workouts and less snacking. Those splurges are working against you. Get all the bad food out of the house so you wont be tempted. Good luck
  • No Endurance and knee pain... wish I could jog, for even a short period of time!
  • Just throw it out!! Sorry, but it is all sugar. I know it is the best thing on earth after sliced bread but it is full of Empty Calories!! if you want to splurge on something at least make it a piece of dark chocolate, or something that has some health benefits. And besides sugar causes all kinds of problems in the body…
  • I agree with Lisa, hang in there. Crying helps release the stress, get it out of your system and move on. YOU CAN DO THIS. Dont buy any food that shouldnt be in your diet and while doing this you are teaching your kids to eat healthy too. Just keep moving forward!! Hugs!!
    in I cried. Comment by cornlady June 2012
  • I dont think it would be impossible for you! Think of it as a CHALLENGE, you can do it if you really try!! :)
  • You got a lot of great suggestions but one thing that I did not see was low Iodine level. Dr's do routine thyroid check ups but sometimes they can give false negatives, meaning you do have an iodine deficiency when the tests show all is normal. I would check for being pre diabetic and pay attention to foods that you eat…