

  • WOW! What a difference, you look amazing! Can't wait to see the final pics when you reach GW. Good on you :bigsmile:
  • Congrats! What a great achievement, and it sounds like you've been really sensible about the way you've incorporated it into your everyday life :) Well done! :flowerforyou:
  • Interval training -- I use a treadmill -- walk at slow to moderate pace for 2 mins, run/sprint for 1 min (after you warm up of course!). If you are able to push it a bit more, walk slowly for 1 min, run for 1 min (beginner run 30 secs, walk 90 secs -- the varieties are endless!) -- gets fast results, and is great if you…
  • Gosh, I really feel for you, that must be so frustrating :angry: Perhaps this is your body's way of telling you that you need to eat a little more? It sounds like your body has entered starvation mode, particularly when you burn up to 1000 cals in the gym, and you only eat 1500. Your body is receiving a net amount of 500…