suemoony Member


  • If you do get around to making the Korma sauce, I suggest you double up on the recipe and then you'll have some to freeze for next time (saves loads of time). It really is delicious and nowhere near as fattening as the takeaway. You could try health food shops for smaller quantities of the spices and you don't have to put…
  • I would suggest "The Hairy Dieters" cookbook. I have been trying out loads of recipes from this book and they taste fantastic. They are so easy to do and the Chicken Korma is delicious!!!…
  • I 2nd that and completely agree, go have some fun xx I'm 5'6 and weigh 158lbs - i'd like to get down to 140lbs but already feel stronger and healthier, I think you probably still feel fat but more than likely you look great.... maybe you're self perception hasn't caught up with what your body looks like yet. :)
  • No probs, hope you enjoy using mfp Even bad days are shorter when you know you have to answer to the truth in front of's a great motivator ;o))
  • the cruelest person in my life has been the person in the mirror. No one has said more mean things to me than myself. That's been the hardest thing in this journey- UNfriending THAT person. Really relate to this, Trying to give yourself respect can be the hardest thing (I'm still learning) ;)
  • Hi, I'm in Wales but if you go to Find Members you can type in your preferences and find lots of people in your area ;o)) Good luck x
  • Have you thought of adding a little sprinkling of Cinnamon or Nutmeg with a small tsp of Honey?? that would be so much better for you than sugar You could try bananas or blueberries too ;)))
    in Sugar? Comment by suemoony June 2012
  • Hi, Feel free to add me, this is a great way to log down your calories and get support while doing it ;))) Good luck
    in friends Comment by suemoony June 2012
  • Maybe you will take a little longer to lose as you are already so active. I ate Quinoa yesterday, boy does it have a lot of calories, it's healthy but doesn't fill you up like Cous cous. Have you thought of scrapping all diet following and just eating any healthy foods but within your calorie goal. It's really working for…
  • Hi there, I have no wisdom, I've been losing weight by eating 3 meals a day and 3 snacks in between (plus exercise) but I'm intrigued by your diary. Do you work weird hours, looks like you eat loads of calories in the 1st part of your day then nothing later on? What sort of exercise do you do? I did notice that your fat is…
  • Hi there, You've made the 1st step!! Have you thought of some exercise programme like "Couch to 5k" ?? That's a brilliant one to get started on ;))) Good luck
  • I've suffered on and off for years but mostly it's a downward spiral caused by boredom. Boredom = Too much thinking, too much time, too much negative thoughts. Keep busy busy busy BUT- when you have a down day, go to bed and put the covers over your head and sleep....We often beat ourselves up because we think we should be…
    in depression Comment by suemoony June 2012
  • Hi Rachael I'm Sue and I live in Wales. This is a great site to keep you motivated. I started on here 5 days ago and I'm already seeing positive results in my attitude. I wish you luck on your journey. :)
  • Don't beat yourself up!! there are obviously good reasons why you got to that stage in the 1st place. I've only been on here for 5 days but I truly believe that if you log down what you eat it is there in black and white and you don't want to let yourself down!! You need to start loving yourself a bit and get moving, go…
    in New & Down Comment by suemoony May 2012
  • I found you on fb, :very motivational page, thanks ))
  • You can add me, I'm on my second week and only have 1 friend so far. I live in the UK :)
  • Hi, I have just started the Couch to 5k training programme you may want to try that so you don't burn yourself out and don't forget to stretch before and after your training
  • I only joined here on Monday, I will add you as I could use a few tips too and will make me feel helpful if I'm also being positive for people on here :))
  • Hi, I just joined this afternoon because of this very reason!. I think we are all the same, once we start that cycle it's hard to get out of it :(( I lost loads of weight going to the gym, felt great about myself and then put it all back on again with more on top. I think I'm on a self destruct cycle, it has to be linked…