sc9576 Member


  • I weighed in at 13st in January (I am only 5'3) and need to lose 3st too. I have managed 9lbs before returning to this site for help and support. I have a fitbit but it doesnt seem to sync with MFP so I use it more as a bright pink reminder to move more :)
  • That is amazing if it is ok I will send you a request (and try to work out how to open my diary!) as I need some ideas because Slimming World is not really working for me (the rules mean I cant eat cereal, not even muesli, and a sandwich on the same day due to only being allowed one healthy extra B)
  • You can definately add me
  • We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect like the photos in magazines that are photoshopped beyond belief when we should celebrate our uniqueness and we are all beautiful in our own way - I struggle to believe that sometimes, as I have battled depression and bullying at work (a supervisor) which has left me with…
  • Hi returning member from Southampton. Like others I joined here then life got in the way and I lapsed but I am back and determined to do it this time Feel free to add me!
  • I am in exactly the same position! I have been off here for a few months as I lost my job and was severely depressed but I am now temping, controlling my depression and trying to curb my comfort eating Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Some people view weight as a very sensitive subject so don't like to mention it but the main thing is how do you feel? If you feel good then that is the main thing and the most important thing. I have only lost 7lbs so far but apparently my bum has shrunk according to my mum so it all seems to have gone from there Well…
  • I like to keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge for when I get a chocolate craving - I find that I only need one square of dark choc to stop the craving whereas if I had milk chocolate I would eat the whole bar
  • Thank you everyone you have all said what I needed to hear but didn't want to believe which is suck it up! Lol I don't like tea or coffee but soda water and lime sounds delicious so I might gradually replace Dr P with that and just have one drink of it at the weekend as a treat Im thinking a gradual reduction will mean…
  • I have been so lucky on here that I have not encountered any nastiness - although I was discussing the fact that I had depression and I felt it may be affecting my weight loss as I cant get the motivation to exercise everyone was so supportive and helpful but someone did make unhelpful comments that you shouldn't take…
  • I suffer from depression and am on antidepressants for it and sometimes I just want to eat everything in the house and hide in my bed as I cant be bothered to do anything! I have found monitoring my moods for a week very helpful as I have found that mornings are the worst time for me motivation and mood wise so I do not…
  • firstly well done for going back to your desk even if it was just to grab your keys! I kind of know how you feel, in my last job I had to wear a uniform and the trousers were a very rigid horrible material and we had to wear a white shirt tucked into the trousers well when I stood up the button popped off and the zip gave…
  • I really want to do it but I started day 1 at lowest level and found that I had problems with jumping jacks I put a second sports bra on over the first and still had problems. I don't think it was made for someone who is a 34GG If anyone has any idea on how to modify it for us large chested ladies I would love to hear them?
  • I read the leaflet on side effects that I was given with my depo injection and it says that studies have proven it can cause weight gain but I think it just means I need to do more exercise to fight it
  • When I go to the gym I wear a baggy t-shirt and jogging bottoms - I honestly couldn't tell you what anyone wore to the gym last time I went the only time I have noticed what someone wore was because they were wearing a bikini on the treadmill (my gym does not have a pool it is purely gym machines!)
  • I am going to try and walk for 10mins a day then gradually increase it - Im not sure about running as I am very large chested even with a sports bra it hurts!
  • I use Shock Absorber bra but I am a 34GG so tend not to do anything that involves jumping and running is also tough even with a sports bra :blushing:
  • Thank you all for taking the time to reply to me and for the advice I am under my GP and am on antidepressants which I think is a good start lauraloveslav - thank you for that tip about small tasks as at the moment I am focusing on the 2st I have to lose rather than breaking it into more manageable chunks :flowerforyou:
  • I am on the Depo injection and on the list of possible side effects it does list weight gain, I have been on it approx 3yrs and I have gained a little weight but I've found if I work out a little bit harder and cut out that sneaky afternoon biscuit it does counteract that small gain
  • I refuse to believe that I cant do things that I could as a child which is not a good quality as I tried to do a back flip recently cos I did gymnastics when I was a child and was good at them but I kinda belly flopped and face planted at the same time - the only good thing was no-one was around to witness it
  • Cats are lactose intolerant and arent meant to drink cows milk (not many people know that) I love milk and have a glass a day and have drunk it since I can remember and I have grown up fairly normally - no oversize features, normal size head and only one and no extra limbs I cant drink almond milk as I have a nut allergy…
  • I am a size 12/14 and 5'4 I have the problem that although I am small framed my bra size is 34GG which causes major problems as my waist and other parts mean I am classed as small frame but my bust size means I have to get large or xl
  • I was too embarassed to go running and when I mentioned it to a friend it turns out she was too so now we try and go running together whenever the weather permits it - British weather sucks!:tongue:
  • A friend has just sent me Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but I havent tried it yet as she scares me on the Biggest Loser US (I love in the UK). is it any good?
  • I actually do forget what Ive eaten so i need to do my food diary as soon as Ive eaten something! But since Ive started doing it I am more aware of what I am eating and how much rubbish I do eat
  • Hi Ive only just joined this as I turn 30 on the 17th June and I dont want to be fat and 30! I work 10hr shifts and work various different times of the day (2 early shifts, 2 mid shifts and 2 night shifts)sat at a desk for 9 of those hours and find it hard not to boredom eat due to my job I cannot read a book or do…