Sabotaged by addiction

sc9576 Posts: 47 Member

I am seriously addicted to Dr Pepper - I know that sounds stupid and people are going to say just exercise some self control and don't be such an idiot but I have to have it every day or I get grumpy, irritable and tired the only problem is my local shops only sell the full sugar version.
I have noticed that the main chunk of my calories come from just drinking Dr P! If I could cut down I am sure I would see more of a weight loss but Im not sure how to cut down without suffering the bad side affects
I would appreciate any advice or ideas but please don't be negative towards me for this
Thank you for all your support


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    No diet Dr. P? What about diet coke? I love dr. Pepper but I also enjoy the diet cherry, vanilla, and lime cokes or pepsis?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I used to have a major caffeine addiction, 5-6 litres a day of Coke. If I didn't have Coke in the morning, I'd get grumpy, irritable, headachey and feel generally crap - solution? Suck it up and just quit. The horrid feelings pass and you do get over it. Now I can have a can of Coke every couple days, but more often I'm just not bothered.

    Just make sure you replace it with water, or some other liquid. I now live on soda water with a squirt of lime juice.
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    I had to just stop drinking any pop... now I only have it maybe once a month

    Go cold turkey - the first week will be tough, but then you'll stop caring...
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I used to drink at least 3 cans of Diet Coke a day (hence the UN) and while that's not that much compared to some people, it gave me really horrible withdrawals when I stopped! I got really bad headaches and very irritable moods. Anyway, it does pass, and you just need to push through it! Drink lots of water to keep hydrated and just take painkillers for the headaches.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Honestly, it does come down to 'just suck it up and do what you need to do.' What that is can vary -- you could go to sugar-free so you don't have the calorie addition. You could quit it all together. You could cut it down to 1 a day and work the calories in. You could keep it how it is and dramatically increase your activity level to compensate.

    I love Dr. Pepper, and I hate diet sodas. I feel nasty when I drink them - increased headaches, feeling gross, etc. So I didn't want to drink diet sodas personally (not slamming anyone who does). When I decided to get healthier, I went from 5-6 cans of Dr. Pepper a day to zero. I told myself I would allow myself a treat every so often if I wanted it, but in the last 13 months I've been on this journey, I haven't had one. I don't even crave it any more, and it didn't take me more than a few weeks to get rid of the 'withdrawal' effects, if that. I was eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising a bit, and I was motivated, so those weeks flew by and I realized suddenly I wasn't missing it at all, and then I started seeing scale successes (and non-scale victories too), and everything gelled.

    So yep...just suck it up. :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    You're going to have to suffer for about a week - then you'll be fine. The week will suck - but you will survive. You just have to want to do it.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Have you tried Dr. Pepper or Dr. Pepper 10?

    If you're opposed to artificial sweeteners, then I would cut your Dr. Pepper consumption to maybe one a day and sub iced or hot tea instead, then eventually fully remove Dr. Pepper from your daily diet.

    I'm personally a coffee fiend and I love flavored creamer, so I just make sure to fit that creamer into my daily calories.

    Good luck to you!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It's the caffeine you've gotten accustomed to having, no doubt. In order to avoid too severe caffeine withdrawal, wean yourself off slowly. Or switch to coffee or tea.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i read once that an apple has the same amount of energy as a can of coke, so i replaced my afternoon soda with an apple and some almonds.

    i still enjoy the occasional can of soda.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yep agree with all of the above; cut it completely, switch to diet, or just cut back & fit it in.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member

    I am seriously addicted to Dr Pepper - I know that sounds stupid and people are going to say just exercise some self control and don't be such an idiot but I have to have it every day or I get grumpy, irritable and tired the only problem is my local shops only sell the full sugar version.
    I have noticed that the main chunk of my calories come from just drinking Dr P! If I could cut down I am sure I would see more of a weight loss but Im not sure how to cut down without suffering the bad side affects
    I would appreciate any advice or ideas but please don't be negative towards me for this
    Thank you for all your support

    Ask your local shops to carry alternatives. I know for a fact Zevia makes a stevia-only sweetened version of Dr. Pepper, so if you're serious, talk to local stores or buy it off the internet. If a drink is what's keeping you heavy, it's time to reassess the drink.
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you everyone you have all said what I needed to hear but didn't want to believe which is suck it up! Lol
    I don't like tea or coffee but soda water and lime sounds delicious so I might gradually replace Dr P with that and just have one drink of it at the weekend as a treat
    Im thinking a gradual reduction will mean less side affects (wishful thinking)
    I am curious what is Dr Pepper 10? I haven't heard of that before?
