

  • Congrats on your weight loss. I would love to be able to fit in my wedding dress but I don't think that will happen. When we got married 34 years ago I weighed 120lbs and wore a size 10 and my husband says I was to skinny back then. But it still would be nice to at least be close to the size.
  • Hi Lisa, my name is Marsha and I to just came back to MFP and the best part this time is the app I downloaded on my phone. If you have a phone where you can download apps I suggest you put this app on there. I work outside of the house so at lunch time I use my phone to record my lunch or I sometimes record it as I make…
  • Now that summer is here I do drink more water but I do not really get thirsty. I will have a glass of juice at breakfast and then a diet soda with lunch and not drink again until drinner and that is either water or a diet soda and I don't drink rest of the night I just don't get thirsty. Like I said I do drink more in the…