ikkin32dvs Member


  • Yes I have lost weight before that way as well. This time was easier and worth it to me. I am actually eating way cleaner than ever before and have more energy than just eating better. If you don't need it or think its a sham then dont take it- I really like it and it has been helpful for me. I am not trying to sell to…
    in Plexus Comment by ikkin32dvs March 2016
  • I havent really been tracking- have been eating less than before for sure. I know a lot is due to that but it helped me not crave pop or sugar which help me make wiser choices. Also going gluten free helped with taht as well because I can't just eat whatever I want anymore. I also just like the gut health aspect of the…
    in Plexus Comment by ikkin32dvs March 2016
  • It really has for me. I have been on it for two months- I lost 10 pounds just prior when I started to eat gluten free (I have Celiac) then I have lost another 20 pounds in the last two months taking Plexus slim. I can show you before and after pics if you want!
    in Plexus Comment by ikkin32dvs March 2016
  • I have celiac disease and after a brief relapse I am back to eating completely gluten free. It is worth it- and I lost ten pounds doing so. I think the main thing is to not focus so much on replacing all the things he currently eats with a gluten free alternative but just trying to eat what is gluten free naturally. I eat…
  • My husband was hospitalized and I ate Wendy's even though I really wasn't hungry because I am stressed out.
  • You look great!!!
  • Thanks! Not super worried since I still breastfeed so I know he is getting a lot of what he needs from that.
  • We have similar goals so it is nice to know how my body will start looking :) thanks for the inspiration!
  • I read YA books allll the time.... are you guys on goodreads.com?? If not, you should be!!! A few that I have really liked: The Curse Workers Trilogy by Holly Black, all books by Juliet Marillier, The Chaos Walking Series by Patrick Ness, The Hunger Games, plus wayyy more :)
  • Hey friend! My name is Nikki...I live in Michigan near Detroit. I am 5'2 and current weigh 163 (although a few months ago as high as 176). I eat gluten-free and I am doing 1200 calories a day and trying to work out three times a week at least although I haven't really started that yet :/ I would like to get down to 130.
  • I just went GF ten days ago due to Celiac.... going strong so far :) My mom has been for five years. Good luck ;)
  • I really like quinoa... i usually buy the Ancient Harvest brand and then you don't have to worry about washing it and stuff. Here are a few recipes that I have found.... Portobello Mushroom stuffed with Quinoa: http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/2009/04/quinoa-stuffed-portobello-mushrooms.html Quinoa Mushroom Pilaf…
  • I just started my GF diet and I found www.glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com She has a section on dieting too which is helpful if you are trying to lose weight as well :)