

  • Your perceived weakness is just a story you tell yourself. Humans are pretty good at telling stories, clever stories that help us to live with the decisions we have made. The good news is that beyond the moment you read this, that story has not yet been written. You as the author get to decide upon the story you tell your…
  • For an advanced version of this, you could create a new food where you have calculated out the calories (and nutrients) per gram for the recipe and then just weigh out how much you serve yourself. Example (the values and weights are arbitrary). Quesadilla: Flour tortilla (40g) --Calories: 130 --Fat: 1g --Protein: 4g…
  • When i first heard the song, 'Like a G6'. I immediately thought of this car and wondered, what is so fly about a G6!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4s6H4ku6ZY
  • Probably should re-evaluate your goals for each 5-10lbs lost\gained as your caloric\macro nutrient needs will have changed.
  • You will never regret working out. You will however, regret *NOT* working out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftl9Qk0v6Lg
  • I usually have a PB&J sandwich or a turkey sandwich. For a high protein lunch, I go with 130-140g of chicken (cooked ahead of time and heated up at work) and salsa on the chicken. To hit 400 calories though you might need to go to 215g of chicken. You gotta be pretty dedicated to eat 215g of cooked chicken though.
  • If you have only ever had a Macro brewery's product, i would say you are correct. Try the american craft beers, you might be surprised at the flavor and complexity these beers have. My favorites are the west coast style IPA's and most recently been trying some belgian sour ales, been pretty happy with them so far.
  • Scooby has some workout plans as well that you can do from home with minimal equipment. http://scoobysworkshop.com/beginning-workout-plan/
  • I have heard some folks that focus on breathing while running to optimize their run. I would imagine though, what you are experiencing is that your heart is trying to keep pace with what your brain and body want. You may need to slow down a bit, to make your running more comfortable. Or, you can embrace the pain of pushing…
  • Yeah, I imagine it happens to everyone at some point. For me, I try to remember that each meal, each day, each week, each month each year, is a chance to do better. Even 15 years of bad choices doesn't doom you to a lifetime of being overweight. You can always change for the better.
  • Most fruits and veggies are good sources of fiber. IMHO, be careful with the fiber one products - not that they 'bad' per se, they taste really good, and i end up eating them as a treat or candy, which for me is a gateway for real candy.
  • For myself, i weigh and take measurements (skinfold, and body measurements) every Saturday (or Sunday if i miss Saturday). I believe the scale is only part of the story. What I really care about is that I have less measured fat over time and am smaller in size. As an example: On 3/8/2014 i weighed 192.2 and an estimated…
  • I have heard anecdotally that potassium (K) also helps. Coconut water has a lot of potassium.
  • For me, weighing solids (even some liquids) in grams is easier and faster. When weighing cereal, for example, it is simpler for me to put the bowl on the food scale, zero out the weight of the bowl then pour the amount of cereal I want, then enter the grams into MFP, and have the correct amount of calories by how many…
  • If only there were a cleanse\pill\thing you could do to alleviate these symptoms. The truth is, the folks that that sell the cure, have to convince you that the symptoms exist and need to be treated.
  • tl:dr, Use TDEE to determine you caloric needs and take alternate measurements to measure progress aside from a scale to determine if you are losing pounds of fat, which most people would prefer to lose. I recommend using TDEE to calculate you daily caloric needs so you get an 'even-keel' calories in. Net calorie methods…
  • Just to clarify, if you are using MFP to track calories in and calories burned through exercise, you should not be using your TDEE numbers, it will be too high. TDEE accounts for your exercise in the calculation. So, if you are doing TDEE and MFP, do not log your calories burned during exercise, you will end up eating back…
  • Besides the fact that that it is difficult to measure body fat scientifically accurate, a persons body fat % doesn't matter much. What matters more is to measure body fat in a consistent manner (same tools and the same conditions) and track it over time. Tracking allows you to determine if your body's composition is…
  • Whether or not you 'should' eat back your exercise calories depends on your calorie strategy. If you do TDEE you should not eat back your calories, if you do a net calorie approach (MFP default) you should eat back you exercise calories. I found this list to work well for me:
  • I ran you numbers through IIFYM.com and comes back pretty close to what you stated. Calories: 1638 (20% Deficit) Protein: (.8 grams per lb) = 120g Fat: (.40 grams per lb) = 60g Carbs: Remainder http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
  • Just to clarify though, you may not 'lose weight' right away or at all. Weight (scale weight) is the sum of your body fat and lean mass (bones, water, and muscle). To determine what you are losing\gaining i recommend taking body measurements consistently (once a week usually, but whatever works for you)…
  • tl:dr: Try a moving to a moderate calorie reduction, add some strength training, and measure your progress. While i am not as tall as you (i am 6'0) i started at a similar weight, similar diet, and similar workout. I went on a medically supervised diet where the calories were ~1200 calories a day. Looking back, i realize…
    in tips? Comment by levicrouch July 2014
  • To help not be overwhelmed, try doing 1 thing consistently over a period of time. You can target calories consumed in a day. Only attempt to hit you calorie goal for 2 weeks consistently. Then, once you have that down you can tackle some other aspect of a healthier lifestyle, like maybe hitting calorie goals and working…
    in Protein? Comment by levicrouch July 2014
  • I cook up about 5lbs of chicken on the weekend (grilled) dice it up and store in the fridge. Roast some bell peppers on the grill as well. Take the roasted bell pepper and chop it up in the food processor, then store in the fridge. Take about 113g Chicken and 100g Bell Pepper to work. Nuke it (1:15) and add hot sauce.…
  • If you are tracking calories *and* exercise with MFP, then you are doing a "net calorie" program. So, if MFP says you have a total of 1500 calories for the day *and* you enter your exercise into MFP. MFP will automatically add your exercise calories, if you end up at zero calories remaining at the end of the day you will…
  • I noticed your diary shows "You have earned an extra xxx calories from exercise." Are you "eating back" your exercise calories? On TDEE you would *NOT* want to eat back your exercise calories. While on a "Net calorie" method you would eat back your exercise calories.
  • tl;dr: If he is an intellectual type; he probably just said the wrong things. If he isn't an intellectual type, he may be trying to manipulate you to change into something you are not\do not want to be. Either way you may want to evaluate your relationship and determine if he is an honest person who says dumb things or if…
  • The biggest red flag i see is that in your exercise diary, walking for 15 minutes is listed as 194 calories burned. Burning 194 calories in 15 minutes is almost 13 calories a minute. For a 200lb person to burn 13 calories\min they would need to be running. Next orange flag would be calories, they seem too low, but i…