

  • I log everything. That way, if I am looking back over the week, I can see if there was an up and down pattern, or if I was really good except for a day, or if it was a bad week! Also, when it says "if every day was like today, you would weigh___ in five weeks", it motivates me to pick up the slack the next day and really…
  • I think this totally depends on your personal taste and how much you like to cook. I am a cookaholic, so I make something different everyday...but it seems like I spend a LOT of time in the kitchen. If that's not your bag, it makes my solution different than yours. If you cook minimally, the Body for Life cookbook is…
  • I am interested to know about the body wrap! I haven't heard of this as a solution to the skin not fitting the body problem, and I really know very little about body wraps anyway. But, six months of committment seems like nothing after 14 years of living with an ugly stomach!!! Can you tell me more about this?
  • She is right! When the band stretches too far, it doesn't go back! I was 100 lbs when I got pregnant the first time. I gained 79 lbs. during the pregnancy but lost back down to 105. That was what I weighed when I got pregnant the second time, and that pregnancy I gained 82 lbs. I lost down to 115, but over the years (my…
  • I love Dave's Killer Bread! It's made by a recovered convict and it's organic. It has 110 cals per slice, but the slices are HUGE so I usually just use one for a whole sandwich! I have also heard that Rye bread packs the most punch for the calories. It is supposed to make you feel full longer than any other bread, and is…
  • HORRIBLE STUFF! I was on it for two weeks at half the prescribed dose (the full dose made me feel like my heart would burst from my chest). I had a cardiac episode and ended up in the ER with my two children watching me get electrodes strapped to my chest with a nitro drip. I was 31 and weighed 145 when I started taking…
  • Well, it's hardcore!!! I started on the Arm workout and really...really I had a hard time lifting my arm to wipe my own....well you get the idea!!! My toothbrush was HEAVY the next day!!! But take it easy and don't do too much and it's a GREAT workout and way to tone up! I have personally seen lots of success with…
  • Your bib is the piece of paper with your number on it that you pin to the front of your shirt. Your bib number identifies you. I have a scrap book of my bibs. My favorite are the ones that are combined races. I recently ran an Army 5k, but because they also had a half marathon that day, the bib says "Army Half Marathon".…
  • As somebody who spent four years (collectively) breastfeeding my kids, I can tell you that you are RIGHT! You need at least 2000 calories per day. The reason you shouldn't lose lots of weight rapidly (or exercise too hardcore) is because when the fat is broken up and the muscles are working, lactic acid and toxins get into…
  • I like quinoa because it has a huge amount of protein, which means it makes you feel full longer!
  • I too experienced an overuse injury several months back...mostly due to being fat. I was not supposed to do anything lower body either, specifically no running. I couldn't for a while...it was quite painful. It was a groin and sartorius muscle tear. However doctors differ in their knowledge, experience, and opinion. I…
  • First of all...congratulations on your first run! I would opt for capri yoga pants...it's a good compromise for a cold morning start and a heated up run! I do about three to five races per season, and I am a huge fan of coffee! If your race starts at 7:30, and you will be there by 6:45, I would get up early enough to have…
  • I recently ate at Olive Garden with my family, and let me tell you...pasta dish calories add up QUICK! The whole wheat pasta with meat sauce (i ordered the meat sauce instead of marinara because i figured the protein would keep me full), one serving of salad (dressing on the side, add two tblsp. and take OUT the croutons),…
  • I'm pretty sure I cried a little reading this...becuause I identify! I have been teaching full time and doing grad school (2 kids, husband out of country)...and totally eating my way to death. I am not recognizable to friends I've known for life either! And my pregnancies...whoa! I gained 78lbs. the first time around, then…