trail run question

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm doing my first official run on Saturday, It's a 7 mile trail run. I have been jogging since March, but this is my first organized run. I just had a few questions for those of you who have done races before-

1. What should I be doing this week to prepare? Should I lay low on the cardio so I have more energy or should I be really stepping it up this week? I don't want to be worn out... but I want to be ready

2. Should I eat breakfast before and drink coffee? The race starts at 7:30 AM- I'm a little nervous about the bathroom situation

3. What is the best thing to wear for a longer run... shorts or yoga pants?

Thanks so much! I'm starting to get a little nervous but I'm sure I can do it. My husband was supposed to do it with me but he had something else last minute that came up. I hope I'm not the only one that has to walk in between :-)


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I would say since it's a 7 mile, have a complex carb before - multigrain cheerios and a banana or whole oats or something that will take longer to digest so you have enough energy & carbs for the full race - and skip the coffee since it's a laxative. And if it's cold, wear the pants... otherwise, I say shorts just because I get REALLY sweaty when I run!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Definitely eat a light breakfast. DON'T skip it! You're also going to want to eat a good amount of carbs for dinner the night before the race.

    I would take it easy the to days before the race. Still workout but keep it lighter, so you're not sore on race day...and as far as what pants to wear? Wear your favorite ones! Whichever ones are the most comfortable ones & check the weather to help you make your final decision!

    Good luck on your race!!!!

  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Definitely eat a light breakfast. DON'T skip it! You're also going to want to eat a good amount of carbs for dinner the night before the race.

    I would take it easy the to days before the race. Still workout but keep it lighter, so you're not sore on race day...and as far as what pants to wear? Wear your favorite ones! Whichever ones are the most comfortable ones & check the weather to help you make your final decision!

    Good luck on your race!!!!

  • purplenut
    Well first off you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Secondly I am sure there will be more people walking than you would think. I wish I could answer the other questions for you but I have never been in a run. I am sure you will do great. Keep your head up and remember you can do this.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Taper your running down a bit this week and take a rest day or do something very light on Friday.

    As far as fuel when I run a race (or go for a long run) I do quick oats about 90 minutes before my run and a small banana about 30 minutes before. I also try and get in 32 ounces of water prior to.

    Are you bring any fuel with you? When I run more than 5, I strap on my fuel belt and fill 2 8 ounce bottles with water and the other 2 with 4 oz gatorade/4 oz water in each.

    As for coffee, if you usually can run after you drink it...go for it. Some people can...I definitely can't!
  • Sharonbed4d
    In addition to the above comments, don't try any new food or drink on race morning. Stick with what you've been eating in case it doesn't agree with you. Good luck!!
  • leah33
    leah33 Posts: 16
    First of all...congratulations on your first run! I would opt for capri yoga's a good compromise for a cold morning start and a heated up run! I do about three to five races per season, and I am a huge fan of coffee! If your race starts at 7:30, and you will be there by 6:45, I would get up early enough to have breakfast and a cup of coffee consumed in time to, well, do your morning business. I like to have a bagel and a banana on race morning. And I definitely drink LOTS of water the day before and at least a glass with breakfast on race day. Another clothing tip: I wear an old long sleeve over my t-shirt, and if I get hot, I shed it and leave it on the trail. Some races have folks that walk the course and gather these items, or you can go after it yourself following the race. As far as activity this week...taper, taper, taper. Try to do a different activity than running, like biking or swimming, and don't do a ton of it. You want to rest your muscles. If you do run, make it a light, easy run. Be sure to post pics and race results!!! I am so excited for you!! Trail runs are so much fun!!!!
  • elloradannon
    Thanks everyone! I'm in Phoenix, so it will probably be in the 70s... the advice will surely help me! My MIL is staying the night on Friday so I will be able to get up early and eat breakfast, stretch, etc. before I leave. Where do you buy a fuel belt? I was wondering as well if people brought water, but I just assumed that they had stations along the way (I think there was an email saying that they did have water stations). I was planning on doing a few 5ks in the last few months, but schedules got crazy so I guess I'll just start big! That makes me feel better that some people walk.... I just need to walk for a few minutes every now and then to get my energy back up
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    You don't necessary need a fuel belt. I'm not skilled at running while drinking from paper cups and I need a kick of energy (hence the Gatorade) during my longer runs. Most specialty running stores and some outdoor stores (EMS/REI) will have them. Better list here:

    And since you're in AZ, I would say shorts. You should be a little cold when you start running - layers are good, but shedding unnecessary during a race can be a pain!
  • JustBeckyV
    I have my coffee before I run and I have a little lighter breakfast but still eat. I just get up way early to be sure I have enough time to let it flow through lol I would say shorts as well!!