klgglasgow Member


  • I work from home as well; I think it makes it more difficult to not keep checking social media. I write on my computer, too....so that makes it even more difficult. I even deactivated my facebook awhile ago to see if it helped...that's when I signed up here! LOL!:embarassed:
  • Hey, there. When I first got on MFP, I set my cals at 1200 (EGADS!!!) thinking it would help me. After awhile of not losing anything & starving, I stumbled across Dan's Roadmap, recalculated based on my BMR & activity level. I've lost about seven lbs. in a few weeks with eating SOOOO much more. I feel infinitely better,…
  • Oops! Forgot the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • Hey, there. I would definitely read Helloitsdan's Roadmap. He's awesome. I was eating way too few cals when I first started, which was actually just making me maintain. (I eat Paleo/Primal, so I thought maybe if I lowered my cals, it'd be better.) I wasn't losing any weight! So I tried his calcs for TDEE and have mine set…
  • This swank little thing. :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151975106220657&set=a.269226420656.309749.142273095656&type=1&theater
  • Not all Paleos are crazed and will spout out that this way of eating and living is the "best" for everyone. I follow a pretty strict Paleo diet except for the occasional cheese (gfcheddar) or alcoholic drinks. I love what it's done for my body. It's not really about weight loss. I do count calories...otherwise I wouldn't…
  • My boobs got a lot bigger....but that was it. Hmmmmmmmm....maybe I should go back on them. :wink:
  • I don't have that much to lose as far as weight goes; however, I do wish to get my body fat % down. I've lost about 15 lbs. so far with Paleo and have been doing it since February. Since I wasn't seeing that much difference, lbs.-wise, in the past few months, I decided to join MFP to track calories & science because that's…
  • Wow! I love your positive attitude & confidence! You look amazing! Keep up the awesome work, girl! :)
  • If you don't want to dump the money on DVD's, you could always go to the local public library and check some out instead. Surprisingly, in this day and age, libraries are pretty current and up-to-date on what they carry (at least the one near my house is...). Also, if you have Netflix, there are a ton of videos on there.…
  • I like your post, but politely disagree. Homemade mayo can actually be good for you. Fatty deli meats loaded with sodium & nitrates/nitrites are really bad for your body. IMO, so is any form of "bread"...whether it's whole-grain, wheat, white, etc. Heavily processed foods & complex carbs as well as not enough healthy…
  • Wow, girl, you look awesome! Thank you so much for posting your pics and telling us about your exercise...I have thought about getting that series of videos...A question: is she all yell-y? Meaning...is she like she was on The Biggest Loser?
  • Hey, I'm new as well and in need of support. :) Please add and I will do the same. I've been doing Paleo since February and love it! I have lots to offer as far as advice and resources for those that have just recently started Paleo.
  • Wow! You look awesome! :) Congratulations!
  • Hey, there. I'm new to myfitnesspal, but have been eating a 90% Paleo diet since February. Previously I did Weight Watchers, but was dissatisfied with the lack of healthy eating...or lack of stress upon eating healthy. It was all about counting points, not necessarily what you actually put into your body. I've done well…