

  • I'm way below my target weight due to stress and nerves which have destroyed my appetite. I used to graze and snack a LOT, in fact MFP is a great tool for me to keep an eye on things. However, around the beginning of August I started to lose my appetite. I basically stopped eating all snacks, no grazing, just very small…
  • I'm the same, and it also depends on my monthly cycle. I can be 1 lb within reach of my goal, and then 3 weeks later I'm 4 lbs heavier! So annoying, but I just try not to weigh myself too often, and to drink a lot more water. This is a helpful tip from my dad who's a doctor - if you are drinking enough water, your urine…
  • I was quite naughty this weekend since it was my son's First Communion and Mother's Day, but I have Pilates tomorrow and I'm planning on walking to the gym. :-) (it's only 1 mile away lol). Have a great week, fellow Slytherins. I'll try to make the goals: 3 new recipes and exercise outdoors, correct? Ciao, ciao!
  • I did fine on the exercise today (walk/run 3 miles), but not so well on the water. I need to be careful of that b/c I definitely don't drink enough. Running errands ALL day meant skipping a proper lunch, but I did have some healthy snacks (crudites, pretzels, small dish of pasta) and a regular supper. My main problem is…
  • I just joined two days ago (I think) but I mostly log in from my phone so I'll probably post in the evenings. Just an intro - I'm a 43 yr. old mother of 2, and I'm in pretty good shape. I like MFP because I like to track my nutrients and because it keeps me on track with my snacking! I would munch all day if I could, and…
  • I love HP, so this may be just what I need for those last few pounds. May I join? SW 140 GW 136
  • You should see a doctor and probably get better sneakers. I changed sneakers and it helped a lot. But you definitely need medical advice. Good luck!
  • My thoughts exactly! Keep exercising, eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and enjoy this wonderful, wonderful time! I nursed both my children (now 11 and 8) and although it was difficult at first (thank goodness for La Leche League!) it was a fantastic experience. I know it helped me lose a lot of weight, but I had…