Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    @raquel - thanks!! that is SUCH a help since I don't have a lot of time to hang around and find the post I need. I usually use MFP from my phone, so I can't see forums.

    @thetigerzeye - oh man! what a job! just try as hard as you can. :]

    I feel like we've definitely got some determination and optimism going on as a whole. We CAN do this!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    @raquel - I believe it was a pretty standard advanced yoga class. Really enjoyed it although I felt like a complete slouch next to all the people that could do all the poses perfectly while I was struggling to keep my balance.
    We did manage to get in a short walk after dinner, which was carb free. In fact, I was still hungry so I just had a chicken sausage now that we are home and am still 300+ calories short for the day. Probably have a handful of trail mix and call it good. :-)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    @raquel- Zumba is super fun and you know what? I am about as uncoordinated as they come. If I can't figure out the step they are doing I just make up my own move. The most important thing is that you keep moving and have fun. I laugh at myself through the whole class. Tonight was only my second time and I think I have picked the steps up for the most part. And I modify if I have to modify. It's dancing so I just go with it.

    Tomorrow is technically my rest day but I have a hula hoop and there is a hula hoop exercise on my On Demand so I think I may try that. I just wish they had hula dancing and more belly dancing stuff to choose from! 11 glasses of water today!
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    Since the start of the challenge, I have done prety wll on the exerising part, but not really the water. I decided to drink all the soda in my house to get it out of there so I would not be tempted later!

    What I usually do fo exercise is Zumba, walk/jog, Just Dance 2, and on occasion 30DS.

    My stats so far for this challenge(5/1-5/5) are as follows:

    water consumption: 28 glases
    calories burned: 2863
    total exercise time: 405 minutes!!
  • for today a quote

    Half an inch of skin and sinew holding my neck on, Harry! Most people would think that's good and beheaded, but oh, no, it's not enough for Sir Properly Decapitated-Podmore.

    poor nearly headless nick.. its sad that they cut out his birthday scene from the movies.
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    just requested to join, this looks like so much fun! Slytherin <3
  • Fiorentina
    Fiorentina Posts: 9
    I did fine on the exercise today (walk/run 3 miles), but not so well on the water. I need to be careful of that b/c I definitely don't drink enough. Running errands ALL day meant skipping a proper lunch, but I did have some healthy snacks (crudites, pretzels, small dish of pasta) and a regular supper.

    My main problem is that I'm a night owl and that's when I snack!!

    I'm having a mug of milk now, as I fill in today's diary. Thanks for listening! I'm trying to get the hang of all this...
  • Glad to here so many people are doing well with this weeks goals =D. On sunday post your weights on here and I will make a chart and post it on the main page for our points =). when we get a new weekly goal from uno i will post it here on our house thread.. Keep goin everyone. Only a few days left for this week.
  • Alright calling all Slytherins =D
    Feel free to add me to keep up with the updates. Below is a link that goes to a spreadsheet that is open to be edited only if you use this link. I trust that everyone will only edit their own weight =) Also let me know if your name is not on the list and I will talk to Uno and make sure it gets cleared up.
    The great thing about having this link is that we don't have to fill up our house thread with individual weights, you can go straight to the spreadsheet and enter your new weeks weight. I have set up formulas so we should automatically get a percentage as soon as the weights are finished. This should make getting our percent to big thread a lot faster.
    Anyways heres the link, please check to make sure that you are there and that your starting weight is correct.
    keep up all your hard work you guys. I know its hard and can seem so slow. but think how you are going to look in two and a half months of working together like this =D. Plus Slytherin has to win eventually lol. ;)
    goodluck everyone

  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Just got home from cinco de mayo celebration. Quite proud of myself, keep up the great work and I'll respond to everything after my 6am yoga class my friend is making me go to haha. Let's keep this thread highly active!!

  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Shelly- You are a genius for setting up the spreadsheet!
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    @shellybeelee Thank you so much for that spread sheet 10 points to Slytherin! ^_^
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Yes! Slytherins are the best!
    Thanks, Shellybeelee!!!! Great spread sheet!

    I think it is great that so many of our members are so active and posting on this thread! WTG, y'all!!!
    Today, I drank 8 glasses of water and walked for 53 minutes (ran/jogged a tiny bit of that).
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    @Elbee1 you're welcome! Good job on your exercises and I totally agree! We need to make this thread as active as possible!

    @ante_up sounds like you have a great plan and a lot of potential! Ill hold your word for no excuse to exercise because of the weather! keep it up!:)

    @dawnkitchen you're welcome! yes I use mph mostly on my iphone but i use to internet access portion as well!

    @arwensb Everyone struggles with the poses at first! But after the 4th and 5th time you really get everything down and start knowing what all the terms mean without having to look around! I hope you try it again:) great job on getting in exercise after dinner! Try to make it a habit:)

    @lcoulter- maybe ill try Zumba ! After my unlimited month at yoga, im sure there's some free trials out there:) hula hoopingsounds so much fun and is def a work out! Way to keep being active even during a non exercise day!

    @zumba- haha next time just chuck the soda, soda is bad! But im glad you threw it out! New start! Looks like some great stats! I personally chug 3 glasses of water before each meal, helps me keep in check and more full before eating!:) great work!

    @shelly- thanks for the quote!! after finals im totally reading some of the books again, I LOVE HP!! Good job on the spreadsheet and thank you for keeping stats!

    @kaldrmjolka- welcome!:)

    Fiorentint- im def. a night owll when it comes to finals week, but I make a RULE to not eat past nine. soon youre body will come use to it:)

    Keep it up everyone! So excited for us!!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning, Slytherins!

    Today's my last day of week 1 of Couch to 5K, and I'm so excited to move on to week 2. And I get to do a lot of lawn work today, trying to make the house look a little better so we can get it sold. I really need to start getting up earlier and getting my workouts in throughout the day. I've been kind of slacking this week due to stress, so I was trying to find a way through the stress so that I didn't gain anything. But, I'm okay now, or I will be tomorrow. I get to see my mom for Mother's Day.

    Happy (early) Mother's Day to all moms in Slytherin or moms of Slytherins =D
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I'm a muppet. I put my start weight for the previous month not my start weight for last week up. For last week it was 210 not 214 - might be a Slytherin but wouldn't want to cheat now *g*

    Off to do curves with added zumba now!
  • I'm a muppet. I put my start weight for the previous month not my start weight for last week up. For last week it was 210 not 214 - might be a Slytherin but wouldn't want to cheat now *g*

    lol i fixed it for you
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Hi everyone. I just figured out I'm a Slytherin. I thought the sorting hat had lost me somewhere...
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome to Slytherin, Heather! You'll love it here!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    what is everyone's goals for the weekend?? Sunday Weigh-In. PUMPED.

    I didd 90 minutes of vinyasa this morning and im going to walk/jog 4 miles with the dog later today.
    Lots of water, veggies, whole grains, and some fruit, too.
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