Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    HI y'all. I'm excited to be part of this challenge. Snape is also my favorite Slytherin. His character interested me from the beginning.
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    Hi! If I couldn't be a Gryffindor, I am glad I am a Slytherin. Snape is easily my favorite but I love that Draco is such a troubled character by the end of it all. I am a huge Harry Potter fan! It is great to be here!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    new member - humglum - 219
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hello fellow Slytherins! Looking forward to getting as slim as snakes with everyone. :)

    Okay okay I know that's terribly corny...

    Edit: Oh, and.. as for my favorite character from Slytherin? Well honestly it's my least favorite house (can't help it!), but I will take a leap and say my favorite is Voldemort. I mean, look at everything he accomplished. Now THAT'S willpower! :)

    I can't help but be a Slytherin fan now. =P
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    hello everyone =D..
    so excited to be the head of house for slytherin .
    Hows everyone doing reaching the challenges this week?
    Who is your favorite character from slytherin?
    I seem to be on a 2 pound Yo-Yo recently...I'm back and forth from 192-190 *sigh* I've done my exercise already this morning, but I plan on going back out for another mile if it stops raining tonight. I'm really wanting to break this yo-yo string and drop into the 180's. Fingers crossed this will be that week!

    Maybe you have gotten too used to what you are doing? try shaking things up a little..change your calories each day a little (ex: 1200 MWF, 1500 Tu, Sat, 1700 Th, Sun) and try doing some different exercise routines or try doing some interval stuff (if you are a walker, try walking as fast as you can for a minute, then slowing down (repeat several times) or jog for a minute).. if your body gets used to it it automatically slows your metabolism down to preserve fuel so you need to surprise it so it doesnt know what to expect and cant get used to it.. :) Maybe that will help you get out of your yoyo :)

    I agree. I've started to add a bit of jogging in with my walking the past few days. I normally do 5.5 laps a day, and have started jogging the .5 lap. Once I get used to that I'll jog a full one, then 1.5, then 2 etc.. If this doesn't work I'll try your suggestion with changing up my calories. Thanks for the tips!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi gang, how exciting I'd this! I might vote for bellatrix as my favourite based on the films rather than the books. Dreading my weigh in this week after the major holiday weekend here in the uk
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I am so excited to be in Slytherin!! I actually considered requesting this house but I thought I would just let the cards fall...it was meant to be. I think I am drawn to Slytherin because it appeals to the dark side of my personality, and who doesn't want to be the 'Bad Girl" at least sometimes? Snape is my fave Slytherin character...so complex and, in a way, noble. I am so excited about this challenge...i will do my best to bring points to my house and not let you all down!! Let the games begin!
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    Hi gang, how exciting I'd this! I might vote for bellatrix as my favourite based on the films rather than the books. Dreading my weigh in this week after the major holiday weekend here in the uk

    Oh I didn't even think about Bellatrix. She is an amazingly evil woman!
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    Hello all!! We can do this together!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    new members:

    Stressd1mom - 232.6 -
    thetigerzeye - 234 -
    Happybunnysbabe - 150.6 -
    lukimakamai - 142
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello fellow Slytherins! Looking forward to getting as slim as snakes with everyone. :)

    Okay okay I know that's terribly corny...

    Hahaha, I actually thought that when I saw I was in Slytherin!! Totally not corny......;)

    Anyway, I am glad to be in a little support group! I just started MFP a few days ago. It's going....OK for me. I did go from pretty much not doing any exercise to walking 12 miles in the past 4 days. Not that great but....it's something for now!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Very happy to be joining Slytherin. Snape is my all time favorite character- he is not just my favorite Slytherin, he is the best character in the entire series! As long as I wasn't a Gryffindor I was going to be happy :laugh:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Hello slytherins!! So the initial Harry potter thread challenge was to drink at least 8 glasses a day and an extra 1 or 2 for every 30minutes of exercise. Also, to exercise at least 30 minutes a day,

    I'm probably going check in daily on my miles and what other exercises Isis for the day. I really need to start being more consistent! Good luck everyone and I love being supportive. We can do this!! Can't wait for everyone's check-in Sunday ! & also a big thank you to the head of the house for keeping stats!

  • laurabeerotten
    I am a Ravenclaw through and through, but Slytherin does appeal to my ambitious-to-a-fault nature, I suppose. :) I really like Snape... what a fantastic character.

    I am failing at the extra challenges this week because it's finals week and I've been too preoccupied with chemistry (in lab I like to pretend I'm in potions, hahaha) to make it to the gym. But... that will be over tomorrow.

    Now let's go kick some Gryffindor butt! XD
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Very happy to be joining Slytherin. Snape is my all time favorite character- he is not just my favorite Slytherin, he is the best character in the entire series! As long as I wasn't a Gryffindor I was going to be happy :laugh:

    Me too. He has and always will be my favorite and it makes me angry what she did to him in the end. I would have gladly traded in Ron and several other of the Weasley clan and Harry too (after he beat Voldy of course) if only he could have lived!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    While this is not my favorite house the characters display very interesting personalities. The cunning and sneakiness of those characters does appeal to me on some level. So I really don't have a favorite character from this house. I agree with the person who said that Malfoy could change if the circumstances were different. Based on the ending of the book in the epilogue- I get the feeling he was humbled by the whole experience and that helped him changed. It would be an interesting book for her to write- on the characters and life after Voldermort. I am ready for this challenge and to help Slytherin take the house points for this challenge.

    Challenge wise- I am doing well- exercise has been good so far this week over 1 hour a day and water is also going well.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Me too. He has and always will be my favorite and it makes me angry what she did to him in the end. I would have gladly traded in Ron and several other of the Weasley clan and Harry too (after he beat Voldy of course) if only he could have lived!

    Exactly! I am the same way. I would have traded in Hermione first (the movie version of that character is sooooooo irritating/the book version isn't too bad)

    On the goal front I need to still work on drinking enough water. Tomorrow is a new day- the key is to remember my 64 oz water bottle...
  • MrsFantastic
    So great to be in this house. This time we beat the Griffs without them getting extra points at end! Ha!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I've definitely been slacking on my water, must try harder! I found this stuff called crystal lite in an American candy store here,. I've seen it mentioned on here before so I thought I'd try it and it's really good! Only problem is that it's super expensive, I guess because it's imported to the UK, guessing it isn't that much over in the States. Also peanut butter granola bars - how great are they!

    (sorry slightly off topic there)
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Snape is definitely my favourite Slytherin! He's so dry and clever, love it!

    I'm really hoping to be back on track this week - I had 10 days off MFP whilst my OH visited from abroad and gained a bit so I'm back on the wagon and hoping for a loss on Sunday.

    It's not my first online weight loss challenge (I ran one for a Weight Watcher community a couple of years ago) but it's my first MFP challenge - and I do find these challenges keep me motivated and bring out my competitive streak a little! So yesterday , hopped straight back on the wagon, clean eating, exercise every day and already feeling better (although my first day back - yesterday - I won't lie, it was a real effort to get to the gym for the first time in nearly 2 weeks!). This week I'm also buying healthy foods that I REALLY love (salmon, for example!) - I don't always buy my favourite healthy foods because they can be quite expensive, but the extra few £ is worth it in lbs and lack of resentment about being on a "diet" - especially when getting back on track!